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After work that night, you walk to where Bokuto said he'd meet you, outside a restaurant. However, you weren't expecting how expensive-looking the place would be. Seriously, it's way too much for you to be wearing your scrubs.

"Y/N!" he waves as he walks your way. "You made it!"

"Yeah, but, uh, I think maybe I should change before I go in..."

"Nonsense!" he exclaims as he takes you by the hand. "Don't worry about that."

He walks you towards the large double doors where two workers pull the doors aside to let you pass. Calmly, Bokuto guides you inside. He strides right up to the receptionist and explains that he's made a reservation for two.

When the hell did he have time to do that?! I guess when he went home and changed into that fancy suit he's got on. Why's he pulling out all the stops tonight?

Bokuto's hand moves from your hand to your back as he escorts you through the restaurant guided by the receptionist. They lead you outside to a balcony covered in green hedges and lined with golden curtains.

Bokuto pulls out a chair for you to sit once you've arrived at the table. You smile and thank him as you sit down. So comfortable... it's like a sofa!

Since you're seated by the edge of the balcony, you look out towards the sunset view of the town lined with mountains in the distance.

"You really went all out," you comment as you turn back to him. "What's the occasion?"

"Huh? It's really not a big deal, Y/N. I just wanted to have a good night out with you!"

"Not a big deal?! This place looks so expensive! I probably can't even afford the water here!" you admit.

"Don't worry about it, it's my treat. Besides, you deserve the best," he smiles.

"You really got your life together quickly," you shake your head. "I almost can't believe it!"

"It's not all that impressive. I'm fairly new to the team, too. My contract will probably go up when I renew it," he smiles. "How about you? How have you been since graduation?"

His contract will go up? From this? And he still wants to know about my life? My life is nowhere near as impressive as his!

You shrug. "I've been alright. Busy with work, but I'm lucky that I found a job right after graduation. Though I don't think I've taken a day off since."

"What, really?! Not even a sick day?!" he exclaims, completely blown away.

"I don't think so," you chuckle. "The days all kinda blur together."

"Huh, well what about the weekends? Go partying or out on any dates?" he asks.

"Not really. And I haven't seen Hotaru in a while either," you admit.

"Hmm, I should change that..."

"Change what?" you ask, a bit flustered as to what he's referring to.

Bokuto grins widely. "We should hang out more, Y/N!"

"Definitely," you agree as you return the gesture. "I'd really like that!"

"Good! And by the way, you should at least skip work once..."

"It seems like you're a professional at skipping work," you laugh. "Don't tell me you miss your games!"

"Of course not!" he defends. "I only ever skip the practices. The games are too important, you know."

"That makes sense. How is MSBY doing, by the way? I haven't really been able to keep up with it."

"It's awesome!" he beams. "I'm, like, a real celebrity now! People come up to me sometimes for a picture or autograph!"

"No way! Are you saying I'm friends with a famous person?!" you gasp. "Maybe I should get your autograph and sell it online!"

"I already tried that," he brags, "and it sold for more than you think!"

"I really gotta get in on that," you chuckle.

The two of you chat for awhile, enjoying your time catching up until your food arrives. Afterwards, the waitress comes over with a check. Your heart sinks as you watch Bokuto grab it, not even letting it drop to the table before snatching it up. You know it's got to be seriously expensive and you feel bad for making him pick up the tab, but there's just no getting through to him.

"I'll handle this," he hums as he digs out a gold card from his wallet.

"That's really not fair," you sigh as you watch him fold the receipt's envelope.

"It is fair," he corrects you. "I did bring you here after all."

"You shouldn't have to pick up that big of a tab by yourself..."

"Y/N, stop worrying so much!" he says as he shoos you away with his empty hand. "Don't be like that. Think of it like a date, then. Let me take care of it!"

A date?! you repeat in your mind as your body freezes in place.

Not much registers in your mind thereafter until Bokuto stands up and holds out his hand to you.

"Ready to go?" he asks.

You nod as you take his hand. "Sure, thanks, Bo."

"Anytime, just remember what I said," he replies almost too innocently. He's gotta know what he's doing! There's no way he can be that oblivious! He can't just show up out of nowhere, invite you out, and call it a date! That's just... too much!

"Mhm," you mumble as you stand up beside him.

He keeps his hand locked with yours as the pair of you exit from the restaurant.

"So where are you living now?" he asks once you get outside.

"Oh, I've got an apartment not too far from here. I usually walk to and from work," you tell him.

Bokuto grins. "Great, then I'll give you a lift!"

"You're driving? I thought you were worried your leg might be broken..."

"Eh, don't worry about it. It's only my left leg. Besides, I've been doing good so far, right?!" he smirks. "Please let me give you a ride."

"Alright, that does sound nice," you sigh. "I am kind of exhausted."

"Man, what would you do without me, Y/N?" he laughs as he tosses his arm around your neck.

"I could do without the cheeky comments," you tease.

Bokuto laughs and returns the remark as he leads you to his car. When you arrive, he holds the door open and ushers you in. You thank him, catching a glance at his big grin as he allows you in.

Seriously, was he always this charming, too?! How did I never have a crush on him?!

Seriously, was he always this charming, too?! How did I never have a crush on him?!

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now