fifty xxx

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You're sitting on Bokuto's bed scrolling through your phone when Bokuto steps out of the bathroom with a pout on his lips. You look up at him and smile at his expression which is way cuter than it's meant to be.

"What's that look for?" you ask. However, he only sits beside you in silent anger without answering. "Are you giving me the silent treatment or something?"

"No," he huffs. "I would never stop talking to you."

"Then what's wrong?" you ask once again, but still he doesn't respond. Instead, he looks down at his hands in his lap. "Is this because I start work tomorrow?" you sigh.


The two of you sit in silence once more as you sympathize with his feelings. You rub his back, trying to release some of his tension ass you assure him that "I'm not leaving forever, Bokuto. It'll only be for a few hours. I think you can handle that."

Bokuto sighs as he places his head down on your shoulder heavily, causing you to lose balance for a moment and place your hand on the bedspace between the two of you.

"How long will you be gone for?" he asks like a small child being separated from their parent.

"My contract is for eight hours a day."

Bokuto groans dramatically, causing you to giggle. "I'll come home right after, you don't need to worry." But right after you say that, your body tenses up. You can't help but think that what you just said totally sounds like you're living with him. Thankfully, he doesn't notice.

"I'm gonna miss you," he whispers instead. He then lifts up his head and glances at you softly. Your heart swells when you think of how much he truly loves and cares about you.

As his eyes shift down to watch the small smile grow on your face, he wraps his arm around your waist and pulls you close. You don't stop him as you gently place your arms around his neck and tangle your hands in his soft hair.

The kiss he gives you turns quite rough as his lips smash together with yours. His hand lowers down to your ass, squeezing tightly as his other moves upwards into your hair and tugging clumsily. When he moves down to your jawline, kissing and marking his way down to your collarbone, he gnaws harshly at your skin which is sure to leave bruises in his wake.

When he swings his leg around you, he guides the back of your head down to the sheets until you're laying below him. As he moves and grinds against your body, you can feel his clothed cock press right up against your pussy with each movement no matter the size, and you whimper. Reaching into his pants, you wrap your fingers around him and pump him at the pace he sets as he continues to grind against you.

However, it's soon that he loses his patience and begins ripping your clothes off one piece at a time. He only then backs off for a split second as he removes the rest of his own clothes before towering back over you. But this time as you reach for his cock again, he quickly grabs onto your wrist and pins it above your head. Instead, he grabs himself and plunges within you without so much as a warning. You fight the urge to scream as he quickly bottoms out and fills you to the hilt, but luckily he then stays still and waits as you relax.

Once you give him the okay to move, he starts by pulling all the way out and thrusting back in with all of his might. You can feel his clutch on your wrist tighten, sure to leave a giant bruise later on. But somehow, his pounding gets harder with each thrust. You can't do much but whimper each time his hips snap against yours.

He reaches his free hand to your knees and forces them up against your chest. As he pushes deep within you now, his cock hits you at just the perfect spot that has your eyes watering. You begin to see stars as he fucks you into oblivion, not even noticing the drool that sneaks out from the corner of your half-opened mouth as you pant to get enough oxygen flowing through your lungs.

"Shit, you take me so well you're like a fucking goddess," he grunts as his large cock continues to slam into your bruised hole.

"Please," you whimper out in response as you get ever so close to your end.

Bokuto sits up and grabs onto your thighs at the spot just above your ass since your legs are currently up in the air. He looks down and observes each stroke that he gives you. You admire his body in return, tracing your hand over each muscle you can reach.

As he gets sloppier, your fingers lose their grip. Instead, you hook your arms around your legs to give him better access. Yet he somehow only manages to push into your harder, still fucking you with all of his might. You let out a cry as your head swings back and you finish in what feels like an explosion around his cock. Then, with only a few more pumps Bokuto pulls out and takes his turn to finish on your stomach.

Afterward, he carefully cleans you up before collapsing down beside you. You let out a deep breath, too tired to actually use any words. He tosses you the large t-shirt he had been wearing before. As you sit up and put it on, he pulls back the covers and helps you climb right into bed.

When you lay down beside him you scoot close and cuddle right up to his side. He's so warm like he'd just been out sunbathing and you just feel so unbelievably comfortable beside him.

As you get yourself comfortable, Bokuto brushes your hair out of your face and kisses you on the forehead.

"Night, Kou," you whisper before instantly falling asleep. You neither hear him whisper "Goodnight, Y/N. I love you," nor do you notice the small grin creeping up the corners of his lips as he watches your mind slip away into whatever dreamworld you were off to.

 I love you," nor do you notice the small grin creeping up the corners of his lips as he watches your mind slip away into whatever dreamworld you were off to

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now