fifty one

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The day before your first day back at work you had gone home to grab your scrubs from your house. Because you've only been using Bokuto's car, the following morning you plan on using his car to get you to work.

The morning of your first day back you've been as quiet as possible so as to not wake him up before you leave; he can use all the rest he can get. But just as you're placing your lunch bag over your shoulder, he comes out of nowhere and grabs your arm to spin you around.

"Oh, Kou," you gasp when you come face to face with him, "sorry for waking you up. I didn't mean-"

"Have fun," he whispers to you as he pulls you close.

"What's up with you," you giggle, "You should be trying to sleep at least."

"I want you to come back here afterwards," he hums softly.

"Well that was kinda the deal with me using your car, Kou," you chuckle.

"Sorry," he shakes his head, "I phrased that wrong..." He then takes a minute to think before opening his mouth once more. "I want you to move in with me... permanently."

You're quite shocked by his offer, but as the sun rises through the window behind him, the same occurs to the smile on your face.

"I'd love to!" you beam as you hug him tight. "Then I can really make sure you're not doing anything you're not supposed to be."

"Hm, well I am glad to hear that but I did promise you that I wouldn't do anything stupid, remember?" he smiles back as he squeezes you even tighter. "I meant it, I really never want to lose you again."

"There's no way that'll ever happen," you choke as he nearly squeezes you to death.

Happy to hear that, Bokuto picks you up and spins you around until you're forced to tap out. When he puts you back down, he lifts his large hand to your cheek and kisses you gently. You can feel your body break out like fireworks as if it was the first kiss all over again, and you can't help but smile.

"After work I'll grab a few of my things and bring them over, okay?"

"I think I can allow that," he hums.

You then kiss him on the cheek before reaching for the door and waving goodbye. When you get into his car, you break down in happy tears. You can't believe how overwhelmed with happiness he's made you this morning alone. You were really going to miss out on him if it hadn't been for that road trip.

Just then, something knocks against the car window and your entire body jumps. You gasp and look out the window to see ill-timed Kuroo standing outside. You roll down the window with a scowl on your face.

"What are you doing here?!" you half shout.

"You forced me to come over to watch the idiot for the day. Do you not remember that?!"

"I know that!" you attempt to save yourself. "I meant what are you doing banging on the car window. You nearly scared me to death!"

"I didn't think you would get-" he begins before his face contorts in confusion. "Are you crying?"

"No," you huff as you wipe your eyes.

"What happened?" he asks worriedly. "Is everything okay with Bo?"

"Yeah, everything's fine," you smile weakly. "He's okay. I told him to go to sleep."

"What's up with you then? Are you alright?"

"I just can't believe I almost missed out on so much just because I was too scared to say anything to him back then," you sigh in disappointment of yourself.

"You're tellin' me," he scoffs. "I've known that since probably the first time you met him. But you really shouldn't dwell on it too much or you'll make yourself sick. Relax and do well on your first day back at work, okay?"

"You're right," you smile softly. "Thanks, Kuroo. And thanks for watching him for me, too."

"Eh, no problem," he shrugs. "As long as he stays asleep we shouldn't have a problem."


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My head is absolutely spinning as I lay down on my couch. I can't believe she agreed to move in with me, I feel like I'm on cloud nine! But just then there's an "Oi, Oi, Oi!" coming from my front door as it squeaks open and I groan. I can't believe she actually convinced him to come over and babysit me for the day.

When I sit up, I watch as Kuroo comes towards me. However, for whatever reason, I'm startled by his presence and fall between the couch and coffee table onto the floor.

Kuroo shakes his head when he sees me laying there, but grabs onto my arm roughly as he pulls me up.

"You idiot," he lectures as he pushes me back onto the couch. "You asked her right now of all opportunities?! While she was on her way to work?!"

"Well, I..." I begin to stumble as I attempt to choose my words carefully. "I knew that I had to do it before she went to work, but I never knew how so this morning I kinda just went for it," I sigh.

Kuroo shakes his head as he tosses me that small velvet box I asked him to pick up for me. "Here, you dumbass, just don't mess this part up, okay?"

I nod confidently as I lift up the top of the box and gaze down upon a beautiful silver ring that I had taken all week to pick out whenever Y/N wasn't looking or going on about 'independence'.

"Don't worry. There's no way I'll mess this part up."

A/N: YOU MADE IT!! Thank you so much for reading through to the end of this! Honestly, I could totally see myself writing a part two of this book with Bokuto messing up the proposal. Anwayyyy... thank you again and I love you so so so soooo much <3

 thank you again and I love you so so so soooo much <3

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now