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A few days later at work you approach your boss and explain that you're taking off from work for a straight fifteen days next month. Their immediate reaction seems normal, but as they dig into your file, they're a bit surprised.

"Wow! That's the first time you've taken off since you started working here," they chuckle. "Not even a sick day on file!"

"Yeah, well, I suppose it's worth it. I'm going on a little trip with some of my friends from school," you admit.

"That's great! I hope you enjoy yourself. It's a good thing you saved up all those days," they nod.

"Thank you," you reply.

Your boss is right, a lot of the days you have saved up are from vacation and sick days from last year. You do feel a bit bad for taking so many days off, but you deserve it so it's fine.

When you leave the clinic, a huge smile beams across your face. You run up to the familiar expensive-looking car waiting for you just a little ways from the entrance. You see Bokuto wave to you as you draw near. You wave back and step in, sighing as the cold air from the car's cooling system hits your face.

"It's going to seriously be hot this summer if the weather's already like this," you groan. You had only been outside for a minute, but the air conditioning just felt so good.

Bokuto agrees and puts the car in drive. You talk with him, exchanging events about your day until he arrives at the car lot beside the diner across the street from your apartment.

Inside the diner, you take a seat across from him. Once more you bring up different conversations, but it's you who brings up the road trip this time much to Bokuto's surprise. You express that you officially took the days off and that you're getting excited for this trip. It's obvious through Bokuto's shimmering eyes that he's quite satisfied by your reaction.

"I'm glad to see you looking so happy about it!" he beams. "I told you, it's great to take off work sometimes!"

"Perhaps," you chuckle, "but definitely not as often as you do it."

"No fair! I'm injured," he pouts.

"Oh, please. It's just a sprain, you'll live!"

"Guess you're right," he admits quietly, though the smile on his face begins to disappear.

Your waitress then drops down two glasses of water and takes your order. Once she's gone, you decide it's best to change conversations. Talking about his injury is definitely a sore subject. Maybe he's irritated about the way he got it?

"Well, I hope at least one of us is a good cook... Otherwise, I don't know what I'll do," you think aloud.

"Don't worry, Akaashi's not a horrible cook!" he assures you.

"I think Hotaru is, too, actually."

"Mhm. It's just total bull that I can't drive the RV, though," he then groans.

"I dunno... I can't really blame Akaashi. You did almost get into an accident with him."

Bokuto sighs, his hair deflating a little bit at your agreement with Akaashi's rule. However, the moment the food is set down on the table before you, he completely perks up.

Then, when the check comes, you grab it before it can even reach the table just as Bokuto had done when you went out with him for the first time.

"What're you doing?" he asks a bit surprised by the gesture.

"Oh please, you always pay ever since we first started going out!" you say without thinking, though freeze up immediately after. "For, uh, food... And 'cause this is like the only place we go to that I can actually afford!"

"Alright, fine," he gives in. "I'll let you have this just once!"

You smile and thank him. You then successfully pay for the food. Afterwards, you walk outside with him back to his car, your hand in his comfortingly along the way. Once you arrive, you wrap your arms around him in a hug just before he hops in.

"I'll see you again soon," you smile. "Maybe before the week's up!"

Bokuto grins back wider than yours. "I'll pick you up from work tomorrow."

"You really should go to practice more often," you sigh. "But I won't complain. I'd like that a lot."

Bokuto nods, his smile not faltering for even a second as he puts on his seat belt and backs the car out of the parking spot. You watch as his car disappears out of the lot and down the street until it's completely gone.

Once you decide it's time to go home, you walk over to the corner and wait to cross the street. However, when you get there, you hear your name called by a different, familiar voice.

The car before you rolls down its window and you see Hotaru in the driver's seat. When her light is green, she turns the corner and pulls her car over.

"What are you doing here?!" she asks a bit baffled to have run into you so randomly.

"I just ate at the diner with Bo," you reply, a smile growing across your face unintentionally.

"Oh yeah? It's super cute you're still spending more time with him than anyone else," she chuckles.

"It's not my fault! You're always busy with your new fiancée!"

"I can't deny that," she nods. "Well, anyway, it's sweet that the two of you are besties just like back then. It's nice to see that the two of you really haven't changed at all..." She then breaks out into a giggle. "I wonder if Bokuto's still got his enormous crush on you!"

"Lay off," you groan. "It's not funny. He gets enough teasing from Kuroo!"

"Yeah, you're probably right. Sorry, Y/N. Hey, do you need a ride home? I can't believe Bokuto just dumped you here..."

"Nooo! I live in the complex on the other side of the street where I was crossing," you assure her. "He didn't leave me here like that!"

"Oh shit, mind if I stop by?" she asks.

"Of course not! There's a parking lot 'round back. I'll wait for you!"

For the rest of your evening, you spend much needed girl time with Hotaru. It was so refreshing to spend time alone with your roommate/best friend from back in school. You can't believe how much you missed hanging out with her, it's almost heart wrenching.

How did I spend two whole years without these guys?

After this trip I better not stop hanging out with them...

After this trip I better not stop hanging out with them

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now