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Y/N'S P.O.V.

During the evening of the party, you and Hotaru coincidentally run into Bokuto. However, he doesn't notice you at all. You call out to him, but he's got his arms wrapped around some other girl looking pretty enraptured by her.

Before you can see or do anything else, Hotaru pulls you away from the scene and back into the crowd.

"Sorry, Y/N, but I didn't think you needed to see that."

"It's not a big deal," you shrug as you attempt to dismiss what you saw as a trick of your drunken mind. "Maybe he knows her or something."

"Oh yeah? Is that why he's got red lipstick smeared across his mouth?" she scoffs.

Your eyes widen. Thinking back, you did realize that his lips were pretty red.

"Girl, you better lock him down quick before something happens!"

"I know," you sigh. "You're totally right. I'm gonna go look for him."

"Good luck," she waves as you begin to walk away. "I'll be sitting right over here."

A moment after Hotaru's words are spoken, she's completely disappeared from view. You now begin your movement through the thick sea of people in the search of your white and black haired friend, but he's nowhere to be found.

You go back to Hotaru a few minutes later where you find her sitting in a chair reading something on her phone where she said she would be.

"Any luck?" she asks as you huff and sit down beside her.


"He's gotta be somewhere around her. I'll help you look this time."

The two of you stand up and make your way over to the edge of the pool so you can get a better look around. Almost the same moment the two of you get there, a few girls appear from the crowd right in front of you with huge, cheeky smiles on their faces. One of them who's completely naked stares unbashfully straight into Hotaru's soul.

"You're really pretty," she coos as she reaches her arm out to Hotaru.

However, just in time, you wedge yourself between the two of them. It's quite uncomfortable, your distance to this random naked girl only a breath away from you.

"Back off!" you shout. "That's my fiancée you're hitting on!"

"Like that matters," the girl scoffs. "That's the whole point of this party!"

You narrow your eyes at her. She's clearly not going to back off easily. "We're here with a group of others who wanted to come."

"Yep. We're just the homosexual supporting cast," Hotaru shrugs.

The girl rolls her eyes, clearly not buying what you're trying to tell her. However, the rest of the group does.

"Where are your friends?" an orange-haired girl giggles.

You look around from your spot by the pool praying that you'll see one of the guys, and luckily, you do. Across the pool, you spot Kuroo stumbling around in the crowd with Kenma helping him from falling into the pool.

"Them," you smile as you point across the pool.

The girls giggle once again and are now led by the orange-haired girl who pulls them towards the boys. The naked girl who had been completely pissed off by you and Hotaru is now giddy as a child on Christmas as she and her friends run through the crowd.

From where you are, you stand and watch as the orange-haired girl wedges herself between Kuroo and Kenma, helping the former stand up straight. As for Kenma, you can see his brain almost malfunction as the other girls gather around him and begin complimenting him.

{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now