forty one

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The next morning you wake up to the smell of eggs being made. As you sit up from your spot against Bokuto, his eyes begin to open too.

"Good morning," he smiles up at you.

"Morning," you grin.

"Something smells good..."

"I know," you giggle. "Let's go check it out."

As the two of you enter the main room with the kitchenette, you rejoin the group sitting at the small dining bench except for Saeko who's busy cooking. When you slide into the bench beside Hotaru, she smiles over at you.

"How was sleeping in the bunk?" she whispers so as to not start up drama with the others, even though they are watching in curiosity. However, you know none of them have a serious problem with it, like Hotaru they're probably all thankful that it finally happened.

"Good," you smile back, leaving the rest to her imagination.

Her smile widens at your response as Bokuto takes the seat across from you.

"So where are we going today?" Bokuto asks as Saeko places two breakfast plates before you and him.

"You're really horrible with secrets and surprises, huh?" she sighs.

"You could say that again," Hotaru chuckles. "He's always been like this."

"You don't have to say it like it's a bad thing," Bokuto grumbles with a frown as he picks up his fork. "Besides, I'm just excited so I want to know!"

"Alright, fine," Saeko groans as she puts her hand on her hip. "We're going to the hot springs. I figured it would be nice for your injuries and to take your minds off of everything that happened."

Everyone's eyes light up as Saeko finally tells us our destination. Even Kenma picks his head up from his Nintendo to listen to her speak.

"So," Hotaru grins, "Who wants to drive? Once we can figure that out we can get going. You all look like you're itching to be there already."

"I'll do it," you nod. "It's probably my turn anyway."

After everything is settled, you've finished breakfast, and gotten dressed, you sit behind the wheel and follow after Saeko's car to get to the hot springs. Bokuto takes the passenger seat beside you and keeps you company on the drive.

The two of you talk about pretty much anything and laugh the whole time about meaningless crap until your stomach hurts. When you arrive at the springs, the long ride seemed way shorter than it should have. You wish you actually had a bit more time talking to him one-on-one like that, he is quite entertaining.

Once you part the car, everybody grabs their luggage and practically runs into the hotel. Akaashi and Kenma, being more responsible than the rest of you, check in with the receptionist while the rest of you wander around in awe at your surroundings. You can't remember the last time you've been to a hot spring!

However, you don't know until after the rooms are paid for that the receptionist only had three rooms available and, Kenma and Akaashi not seeing a problem with that, agree. When they get back to the group and explain it to the rest of you, your body immediately stiffens up. You know exactly what your friends are about to try to pull.

"Well, Hotaru and Saeko should get their own room since, you know, they're engaged," Kuroo smirks. "So that leaves me, Y/N, Kenma, Akaashi, and Bokuto..."

Bokuto, seeing the dark look in Kuroo's eyes, grabs a key from Akaashi before anyone can say anything else. "I'll take a room!" he exclaims.

"Hm?" Kuroo hums, "For whom? You can't hoard a whole room to yourself. Besides, that'll leave the remaining four of us to one room."

Bokuto tenses up, knowing that either way he was going to fall right into Kuroo's trap. "Uh, well Y/N can come with me if she wants..."

Hotaru nudges your side to get your attention. "That sounds like fun," she whispers. "Are you going to agree or do you want to come with Saeko and me?"

"Only if you're okay with staying in a room alone with someone who's got two broken legs," Kuroo chuckles. "You might have to baby him."

"As long as Kenma's okay with babying you, Kuroo," you tease back, causing him to grumble and mutter under his breath at your comment.

"Alright, so Kuroo, Kenma, and Akaashi are in the last room. Is that okay with everyone?" Saeko asks.

"Fine with me," you agree, as the others all nod their heads.

"Okay, let's all head up to our rooms and settle in. We can meet back downstairs in an hour to go to the springs!" Hotaru smiles.

"Great, I can't wait to get to the pool!" Kuroo hums as he almost drools at the mouth. "I hope there are a bunch of cute girls..."

"Calm down, Testosterone," Saeko shakes her head. "There are separate pools for guys and girls."

Hearing Saeko's words, Bokuto's shoulders relax a bit.

After the conversation, you wave goodbye to the group and walk towards the elevator with Bokuto.

"504," he reads from the key card.

When you get into the hotel room, your mouth opens in amazement. You don't think you've ever been in a room this huge before. You silently thank Saeko and Hotaru for looting the shit outta that asshole Jun.

You toss your backpack down on the bed and look out the huge windows towards the view of the sunset over the mountains. Bokuto comes up beside you and checks out the view as well.

"Wow, I'm so lucky," he mutters to himself.

"Yeah, it is beautiful," you nod, thinking that he meant to say 'we' instead.

"It sure is," he smiles as he places a hand around your waist. You stand there and enjoy the view for a few moments, leaning your head on his shoulder until you realize that he might have been talking about something else entirely.

"Oh, uh, we better unpack," you say awkwardly as you pull away from him. Despite how you finally expressed your feelings to him, it's still new and you can't help but feel a bit nervous.

"We don't want to be late and get yelled at by Saeko," you chuckle. "Or we might never hear the end of it from Kuroo, either."


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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now