twenty four

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"We almost killed that guy..." Bokuto mutters. "What do we do now?"

You walk over to him, subconsciously trying to put some space between the awkwardness that just transpired between you and Kuroo. "It's not your fault," you sigh. "I almost killed him, not you guys."

Akaashi shakes his head in disagreement. "No, that wasn't your fault. He attacked you first."

"Sure, sure, but can we worry about that later? We need to get out of here now," Kuroo speaks up.

"You're right. Let's go," Akaashi agrees.

"But what about Hotaru?" Kenma asks. "We should go look for her in case something's happened."

"She said she'd be at the lobby. I bet she's still here," you add.

"Alright, let's go!" Kuroo shouts as he and Kenma run to the door. The rest of your group, including you, follows after them.

It's beginning to rain outside of the dim lights of the motel, but you hardly even give the weather a passing thought as you rush as fast as you can to the lobby. However, when you get there, nobody's around.

"Hotaru!!" Kenma whisper shouts. The two of you have agreed to search the back room together while the others look in different spots. Nonetheless, you find no traces of Hotaru at all.

Suddenly, the sound of shouting and arguing comes from outside of the lobby. "Ow, you bitch get the hell off me!"

You and Kenma look at each other, recognizing the voice as none other than Hotaru's. You rush out of the lobby as quick as you can, the others now following close behind.

Outside you find Akane and Hotaru taking swings at each other, but Hotaru's definitely more mentally stable than her opponent by a long shot.

"Hotaru!" you shout as you attempt to run up to her. However, you're abruptly stopped by that gigantic guy from before who had carried Kin out of the motel room.

"Where do you think you're goin'?" he chuckles deeply.

"That bitch is gonna kill my friend, move!" you shout.

"This whore killed my Kinny!" Akane wails. "She's going to fucking pay for that!"

"What?!" you freeze. You had thought Akane knew it was you, but in fact she believes that Hotaru's killed Kin. Wait, but does that mean he's actually dead?

Before you can say anything aloud that you might regret, Bokuto grabs onto your arm and pulls you away from that huge monster-of-a-man before you. Once there's a decent amount of space between you and him, Kenma stands in front of you making sure to block that guy from getting near you again.

"The hell are you doin', pipsqueak?" the huge man's voice booms in laughter.

You can hear Kenma growl under his breath. He's getting pissed.

Your attention is suddenly stolen away from where Kenma is when you notice something glimmering from far away. You look over and see a person slowly getting closer with a television in their hands.

"Yo, look what I got!" they shout. You recognize the voice right away; it's Jun.

Jun pops his head out from around the side of the tv and smiles. "Oh, hey guys! Thanks for the new tv!"

"Jun, you asshole! You were robbing us instead of helping?!" you shout.

"That psycho is about to kill Hotaru, do something!" Bokuto adds.

"Hm? Oh, that's weird. I thought she wasn't feeling well..." he says with a grin.

"That's not the point!" Kuroo yells. "Help her!"

Jun sighs and places the television under the safety of the motel roof as though it wasn't already soaking wet. "What am I supposed to do?" he scoffs.

"Who the hell's side are you on?!" Kenma yells.

"Hm? You really didn't figure it out yet, you stupid little shits?" he laughs. "'Kane's my little sister. She can do whatever the hell she wants, I don't give a fuck. Besides, your dumbass friend shoulda stayed home or at least have taken those painkillers I gave 'er! It would ease those blows she's eatin'!"

Akane laughs loudly at the confused expression on Hotaru's face just before kicking her hard in the gut, forcing your friend to spit out blood.

"Hotaru!" you shout out to her, without hearing a reply back.

"The hell do you want from us, Jun?!" Akaashi asks, now understanding that Jun's been on the thieves' side all along.

Jun sighs as he walks towards Akane and pulls her away from Hotaru who is down on her knees trying to catch her breath. You attempt to get over to her, but the large man in the way prevents you from doing so.

"Alright, calm down," Jun scoffs as he lazily wraps his arm around his sister's shoulder. "I'll make a deal with you guys if you'd rather not die..."

Suddenly, two more men who are somehow impossibly taller than the first giant you bumped into stand between you and Hotaru. The three of them pull out large knives and point them directly at your group. Right after, four sizably smaller girls appear on either side of the giants and do the same. They now have the number advantage.

Being a bit too close for comfort and not wanting to be close to death for a second time this evening, you take a step back.

"What do you want from us?!" Kuroo asks impatiently.

"Work for me," Jun smirks.

"No way!" Akaashi shouts. "You know we're not from around here. Why the hell would we want to stay?!"

The tallest of the three giants step closer to you and pulls your back flush against him. The knife is then pressed right up against your neck as you're shown off to your friends.

Goddammit, why me?!

"Fine!" Bokuto shouts as desperation fills his eyes. "Leave her alone!"

The giant roughly pushes you away from him. You then barge right past them and run up to Hotaru who's now on all fours panting heavily.

"Y/N don't forget," she huffs, "Saeko's on her way here. We just need to hold out 'til Sunday."

"Alright," Jun interrupts. "Grab 'em, let's go!"

 "Grab 'em, let's go!"

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now