thirty six

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The next thing you know your ears catch upon strange sounds of whispering and something gripping tightly onto your hand. You gasp at the sudden contact and realize you had been asleep. When you lift your head up you find that you've been laying on Bokuto's stomach. He looks down at you with a smile as he sees you're awake, but it fades when he notices how startled you look.

"Hey," he mutters quietly, causing tears to begin streaming down your hazy eyes.

"Hey?! That's all you have to say to me after worrying me to death?" you cry.

"I'm sorry," he smiles softly. "I'll do my best not to 'do something so idiotic ever again'."

You chuckle upon realizing he's quoting what you had said to him when you thought he was asleep when you first came to visit him.

"You heard that?" you hum.

"I did."

You can't help the way the corner of your cheeks curl upwards as he talks to you. "I'm so happy to see what you're feeling better," you sniffle.

"I am," he nods. "So, do you think I can get up now?" he asks sincerely.

"What?! No, you can't do that. You're not supposed to get out of bed!"

"But I have to," he groans.


"Cause I want to give you a hug and apologize the right way," he tells you with wide, puppy dog eyes.

You smile and laugh at his comment, but make sure to stay firm or else he actually would get out of the bed. "No, you can't move, Kou, or you'll get in trouble with your nurse."

He nods, understanding that you're definitely right, and instead lifts up his arm and wraps his hand around the back of your head to pull you closer to him.

"You worry too much," he hums quietly.

"Are you serious?" you grumble as you narrow your eyes at him. "It's your fault, you know."

"Hmm, hey, Y/N, can you do me a favor?" he then smirks. It's growing quite apparent to you that whatever painkillers he was on is still affecting him.

"What do you want?" you sigh as he pulls you closer to him and leans your forehead against his.

"A kiss."

"Huh?!" you gasp as you pull away from him, flustered at the sudden request. "Are you still high?!"

"Maybe," he smirks again, giving you the answer you were looking for, "but that doesn't mean you can't kiss me, Y/N."

"You're such an ass," you chuckle. "Save the kissing for when you're in the right state of mind, okay? Like you told me the other night."

"Okay," he grumbles, knowing it's the right decision.

You smile and gently kiss him on the cheek. "I'm going to look for the nurse, I'll be right back. Do you want anything while I'm gone?"

"Yeah, just the kiss when you get back. You don't have to bring the nurse. Just tell her I'm ready to leave," he grins widely.

"You're too much," you roll your eyes as you stand up. "I'll be quick, I promise."

Later that afternoon after the nurse has left, you sit with Bokuto and pass the time by chatting about whatever conversations the two of you could think up

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Later that afternoon after the nurse has left, you sit with Bokuto and pass the time by chatting about whatever conversations the two of you could think up. Eventually, there's a knock on the door. The two of you look over and see Kuroo standing in the entryway with crutches tucked under his arms and a bright smile on his face. As he walks into the room, the others follow closely behind all happy to see Bokuto awake for the first time since surgery.

Kuroo places his crutches at the end of Bokuto's bed and sits down beside him. He's got a big smirk on his face as though he's just won an Olympic gold medal.

"You can walk?" Bokuto asks.

"Yup," Kuroo laughs darkly. "Looks like I'm progressing better."

"It's not a competition anymore," Bokuto pouts. "We should be competing for who gets better the quickest."

"Aw man, what a sore loser," Kuroo cackles. "But alright, buddy, you just get better for us, okay?"

Bokuto nods and the two of them exchange grins. Your group then talks for a while, keeping Bokuto company in his room since he's still not allowed to get up. Eventually, the conversation of the road trip gets brought up and everyone goes silent. Poor Hotaru looks scarred from everything she had to go through while Kenma and Akaashi look as though they haven't slept in a week.

"It's off," Akaashi interjects with sadness hinted in his tone. "There's not much we can do with two of us who can't walk on their own. Besides, we don't want anyone else to get hurt as well. Not to mention that Y/N and Hotaru look like they're traumatized after everything they went through."

"I agree," Kenma nods worriedly as he looks over at you. "After everything we've been through, we should quit before it all happens again."

Your eyes then trail over to Bokuto and Kuroo sitting beside each other on the bed with agonizingly sad eyes. Neither of them wants to be the reason the whole trip gets called off.

"Okay, hold on," Saeko interrupts, "I don't think we need to jump to that extreme. I can think of at least one thing that might still be fun that even the two patients can join in on."

"You can?!" Bokuto gasps. "What is it?!"

"Not telling," she giggles. "I'll save that as a surprise for when the two of you heal up. Then I'll tell you what it is, so you better get healthy quick!"

Bokuto and Kuroo exchange a glance and nod confidently at one another, silently cheering themselves on. They then smile at Saeko and thank her about a million times for saving the trip.

As for you, you're quite happy that you don't have to go home yet. You are worried about Bokuto and Kuroo as well as the safety of your group, but it really would be quite upsetting to just turn around and go home after you've come so far. You've really got to make sure you make all of this up to Saeko somehow. She's saved your ass too many times to count.

 She's saved your ass too many times to count

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now