twenty three

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Just as Kin is about to impact your head with the glass lamp he's gripping tightly onto, Bokuto grabs him by the wrist and spins him around to face away from you. He then proceeds to punch your black-haired assailant square in the face, forcing him to stumble backwards, towards your direction.

Luckily, at the same time, Akaashi grabs onto your arm and pulls you out of the way. Kin's back collides into the wall you were pinned against a mere second before. However, he quickly regains his balance and swiftly kicks Bokuto in the stomach. Not expecting that, Bokuto's knocked down onto his knees.

"For such a big dude, you're fuckin' weak," Kin scoffs as he looks down at Bokuto.

Akaashi sets you down on the bed and momentarily looks over your injury. He then rushes away and steps between Bokuto and Kin, punching the latter in the nose.

"You idiot," he then shouts at Bokuto who's behind him kneeling on the ground, "get the hell up and do something about this guy! Did you not see what he did to Y/N's face?"

Bokuto immediately whips his head to the side where he spots the large gash on the side of your face and the blood that's all over your face and hands. His eyes darken, Akaashi's played him well. He's regained his vigor.

A bit roughly, Bokuto pushes Akaashi out of the way. His hand balls onto a tight fist at just the same time as Kin and the two of them begin going at it.

You look around the room for anything that could give you an edge. Seriously, that guy's like a fucking zombie keeping up with both Bokuto and Akaashi's swings. Finally, you notice that Kin had dropped the lamp he previously threatened you with just before Bokuto hit him for the first time.

Carefully, you sink down onto all fours and crawl across the floor to reach the forgotten weapon. Once it's in your hands, you take a deep breath and stand up. After a silent count to three in your head, you run straight up to Kin and strike the glass directly as hard as you can right over his head. He immediately falls to the ground.

The second his body hits the floor, the glass lamp shatters onto the floor. You didn't think you had hit him that hard.

"No, way... No I didn't- did I?" you mumble to yourself quietly. "Did I kill him?"

Neither of your friends say a word, they're way too stunned to even know what to say to you. You then drop down on your knees, ignoring the small pieces of glass spread out around you. You place two fingers on his neck and wait quietly for a pulse.

"It's okay I feel a faint pulse," you sigh. "He's not dead-"

"Yet. What the hell do we do?! He could stop breathing any second!" Bokuto whispers anxiously.

"We get the fuck out!" Akaashi responds.

Bokuto quickly bends down beside you and grabs you roughly by the arm, pulling you up forcefully onto your feet to get you to leave the room. The three of you then rush across the room as quickly as you can.

Just as you get to the door, Kuroo and Kenma calmly step in the doorway, blocking your way out. However, the two of them notice your face and look past to see Kin's body laying on the carpet surrounded by shards of glass.

Neither of them asks questions and instead lead the way for the five of you to get down to the first floor. However, Kuroo abruptly stops just at the bottom of the stairs the second he hears two familiar voices.

"Yeah, sent the bitch up with Kin. I don't care what you do with 'er," Jun's voice rings out.

"Thank god," Akane's voice chimes in. "She was so goddamn annoying. Didn't even have that much in her accounts!"

"Go back, go back!" Kenma whispers to you and Bokuto in the back of the group. "Run!"

You don't hesitate and run back up the stairs and into the room where Kin's body is as it was the only room unlocked and nearby. The five of you then squeeze into the tiny closet of the bedroom and shut the door.

You peek between the wooden blinds as you wait for Akane to come in. The second she arrives, she screams at the top of her lungs. There's a girl next to her, too, who looks like she's about to pass out. Instead, she runs right out of the room leaving Akane all alone.

Your group watches Akane in silence as she kneels down beside Kin and wraps her arms around his body. "Who did this to you, baby?" she cries.

"That group..." Kin splutters, having absolutely no energy to talk. "From the gas... station!"

"Don't worry, baby," Akane sighs as she hugs him tighter. If she keeps doing that, she might be the cause of his death, though. "You'll be okay. I love you and I'll get those little shits back of this, I swear."

Suddenly, you find a hand squeezing yours. There's not enough room for you to look over and see who it is, especially not in the dark, but you don't pay it much mind. At the same time, the girl who previously ditched Akane comes back in with a huge man at her side. He makes Bokuto's size looks puny in comparison.

The huge man bends down to pick Kin up and slings him over his shoulder. The girls then sadly follow him on the way out of the hotel room and shut the door behind them.

The second they're gone, the five of you let out a deep exhale of relief as you step out of the closet. When you see Bokuto, he gives you a bit of a strange look. You follow to where his eyes are staring and see that you've got Kuroo's hand in yours. Immediately, you pull it away. Kuroo notices, but hardly as he's too preoccupied trying to piece together what he's witnessing.

Akaashi sits down on the bed and sighs as he places his hands on his head. Bokuto takes the seat beside him and looks equally as nervous.

"We almost killed that guy..." Bokuto mutters. "What do we do now?"

 "What do we do now?"

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now