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After changing into fresh clothes, your group follows Kuroo as he stomps angrily out of the camper and heads towards the motel. However, his quick and unexpected halt leaves the rest of you to stop short and almost bump into each other.

"What's wrong?" Hotaru asks as she walks to his side.

Kuroo shakes his head. "Remember when we got up this morning... Nobody else was around. It was just us."

"Calm down," you sigh as you check your watch. "It's like eight a.m.. Everybody's asleep in their rooms. They're probably used to this unlike us."

Kuroo nods in acceptance of your solution but still looks a bit unsure of himself. You then decide to take the lead and explain to the group that you know which room was Akane's. If you go there and wake her up, she'll probably help you out.

The group agrees and follows you and Hotaru up to Akane's hotel room. You knock on the door and wait, but there's no answering or any kind of movement from within. As you stand in silence, trying to be as patient as possible, you can feel Kuroo's hot breath breathing down your back and your attempt to stay calm goes up in flames.

"Will you chill?!" you snap as you turn around to face him. "It's the morning and everyone's asleep! If she doesn't open the door there's nothing we can do but wait."

"Sorry, Kuroo, but Y/N's right. It's not like we can just barge right in," Hotaru agrees with you.

You nod to her and step aside, hoping that the guys will follow your lead to leave, but instead, they don't move. Kuroo, however, does but he moves in the direction opposite of where you want him to be. He balls his hands into fists and pounds roughly on the door. Once again, like before, there's no answer.

Next, he decides to push his weights against it forcefully, as though he could actually break it down. It doesn't move.

"Step aside," Bokuto proudly interrupts as he sticks out his chest. "I can do this."

"God, they're idiots," Hotaru sighs in a whisper to you.

Bokuto steps towards the door and then takes a few steps back. He leans to the side and after a running start, busts down the door in one go.

You and Hotaru were not expecting that to actually work, but now that it had, the two of you peek into the room with the others. The room is dark and empty as though the cleaning crew had already swept it through. However, you spot your clothes from last night laid out gently on the bed where you had previously tossed them.

You're the first to step into the room, running towards your clothes and rifling through them in the hopes that you perhaps left your phone in them, but you come up empty-handed.

Hotaru has the same thought and begins searching through the pile of her clothes as well but every single pocket is completely empty.

"Now what?" you huff as you sit on the bed beside your clothes. Hotaru shrugs.

"We go to the lobby with the check-in desk and look for Kin's room number. Maybe he's still there," Akaashi suggests, though he looks the most baffled out of everyone else by the emptiness of the room.

Bokuto scoffs at the mention of Kin's name and storms out of the room. Understandable, you think to yourself, if that jerk's behind all of this I'll be that pissed, too.

You stand up and walk with Hotaru out of the room, following after the others. When you get to the lobby, you split up just a bit to look around. It's almost too eerily empty.

"Hellooooo," you call down a narrow hallway only to receive no response.

As you walk back to the center of the room, Kenma hops over the check-in desk and begins rifling through the paperwork.

"There's no record of anyone even being here last night," he says aloud.

"They told me and Kuroo that the owner let them rent out the whole hotel for this. Think maybe that's why there are no names?"

"I don't know about that," Akaashi replies. "Rooms were still lent out to particular customers and there had to be some kind of order about which room went to whom."

"I've got a weird feeling about this," Hotaru adds as she walks up to you. "I think we should just go..."

"How are we going to leave when they took all of our damn money?!" Kuroo snaps.

"I dunno what to do," Bokuto sighs, "but I can tell you that I'm getting hungry."

You nod, knowing the others are feeling the same way as well. "Me too..."

"I think I've got a bit of cash back in the camper!" Hotaru gasps.

"I think I do, too!" you add.

The two of you run out of the lobby as quickly as you can towards the RV and begin to dig through your belongings. You both find a bit of cash and run it back to the others.

"Twenty Thousand Yen," Hotaru says aloud as she counts the cash. "That's not horrible..."

"It's enough for today and tomorrow if we manage it well," Akaashi agrees.

"There's probably a nearby grocery store," you chime in. "I could go and look for some cheap food."

Hotaru then pulls out her phone and checks her signal. "I could always call Saeko to come save us," she suggests.

"No way," Kuroo shakes his head. "That maniac is not driving me anywhere. She's a worse driver than Bokuto plus I'm pretty sure she does it on purpose!"

"Not true!" Hotaru refutes.

Thankfully, Akaashi steps in before the argument can get any louder. "I think I'd be a good idea. We have no other plan anyway."

Hotaru hands you the cash and says she's going to head back to the camper to call Saeko. You nod to her as she walks away.

"I think I saw a market last night as we were coming in," Bokuto tells you. "I think that'd be a good place to find something to eat."

Kuroo nods as he pushes on Bokuto's back, heading towards you. "You two go together. I'm not going to let this little setback ruin my big plans! Y/N, you don't have a phone and in case you get lost you need someone to go with you. Besides, this guy thinks he knows where the market is so that's great. Get whatever you want, have fun!"

"That's a good idea," you nod, ignoring the first half of his comment. "You okay with going, Bo? We probably have a bit of food in the camper if you want to stay behind."

"Mhm, I'll be fine. This way I get first pick of the food, anyway," he smiles.

"Great," Kuroo beams. "We'll keep searching around here for anybody while you two do that."

The two of you then say your goodbyes to the rest of the group and exit out the doors of the hotel to wherever this market is that you're going to walk to.

The two of you then say your goodbyes to the rest of the group and exit out the doors of the hotel to wherever this market is that you're going to walk to

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now