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After work on the Seventeenth of July, you meet up once again with the others at Kuroo's. This time you show up with a suitcase and a backpack of luggage towed in hand. Though, to be a bit more specific, your suitcase is in Bokuto's hand. He had insisted to carry it for you, explaining that it is part of his 'training' that he needs to get every bit of weight lifting as possible.

Kuroo scoffs as he stands outside of the RV with his arms crossed, watching Bokuto carrying both his and your luggage in his hands.

"If you're really gonna make him do all that work, you might as well give him a reason to," he sighs.

As you pass and follow Bokuto into the RV, you nudge Kuroo in the rub. "Don't be a pervert this whole trip, okay?"

"Anything for you, Princess," he smirks, following behind you into the camper.

When you get inside, you take your luggage from Bokuto and throw it up onto the loft. You then climb up the stairs and drop off your backpack as well, organizing it onto your side of the area.

Around the same time, Hotaru comes out from the back room and climbs up onto the loft with you. "We really made out 'cause the four of them have bunks in the same room." She shivers at the thought of having to sleep back there. You don't blame her, besides, the loft is pretty sick.

Kenma then comes out from the back with his Switch in tow. He plops down in a chair and quietly turns on the dives. Simultaneously, Akaashi is the last to step foot into the camper.

"Kuroo, is there enough gas in the tank to start driving?" he asks.


Akaashi sighs at the quick and blatant answer that he was expecting, yet hoping he wouldn't hear. "Alright, well, I'll take the first shift driving. We need to stop at the gas station, though, first."

"Ooo, I'll give to the gas station!" Bokuto insists.

"There's no way in hell," Akaashi snaps back. "I'm not letting you drive at all, remember?"

As Bokuto sighs to himself, Kuroo sits down on the couch and pulls out a remote. "Yo, you wanna watch the Adlers' game?"

"Alright!" he beams. "There's a TV!"

You smile at them before turning around and beginning to unpack a few of your things. Hotaru does the same and pulls out a blanket from one of her bags.

"This should keep us warm if it gets cold at night," she tells you as she lays it out across the bed. "I kinda doubt it since I'm sure the air won't be on at night, those cheapskates," she scoffs, "but it's here in case."

"It's perfect," you smile as you pull out a pillow and place it down beside hers.

Just then you begin to feel the RV move. You feel yourself jolt a bit, and so does Hotaru, though the smile on her face only widens.

"This is going to be great!"

"This is going to be great!"

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now