thirty four

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You and Hotaru watch sadly as Akaashi and Kenma load your two patients into Saeko's car one after the other. Then, just before they're about to depart, you say your goodbyes. You throw your arms right around Bokuto's neck and kiss him on the cheek.

"You'll be okay," you whisper, though you're mostly attempting to calm your own nerves.

"I'll see you after the surgery," he mumbles back.

Kuroo pouts beside him and watches as you give more attention to his friend than to him.

"You'll be fine Tetsuro," you chuckle. "You do have one good leg after all."

As he nods proudly, you lean back and allow the others to say their goodbyes next. Afterward, Kenma shuts the door and Saeko hops into the driver's seat. The four of you wave as the car begins to move away.

"Was it a good idea to let Saeko drive them?" he asks as the car accelerates almost a bit too fast away for comfort.

"Don't worry," Hotaru assures him as she throws her arm around his shoulder. "They're in good hands."

"What's important is that they'll get help sooner than what we could have given them. They needed this," you add.

"Well, now what do we do?" Kenma asks.

"We'll walk," Akaashi interrupts.

"What?! No way!"

"The hospital isn't very far," you assure him, "Akaashi saw a sign that says the hospital is only five miles away."

"There was enough room for one more in that car," Kenma sighs.

"Well, I'm going to go in and change out of this," Hotaru shivers. "Then we can go if you guys are cool with that."

"Yeah, sure," you shrug.

"We'll be ready," Akaashi assures her.

When she gets back, just like Akaashi said, your group is ready to leave. After quickly hiding a few of the goods and locking the RV, the walk begins. Most of the walk is quiet, nobody really has anything to say anyway. You're all too tired and stressed for talking. However, about halfway Hotaru sparks up a conversation.

"Y/N, do you really think they'll be okay? Even Bo with his two messed up legs?" she asks you worriedly.

"The surgery will be intense, especially for him, but they'll be fine... I'm sure of it," you try to assure them as convincingly as you can despite your own doubts.

"I really hope that dumbass didn't fuck up his broken leg from walking on it all this time. He should have said something to us," Akaashi scoffs.

As much as you agree with Akaashi, you don't want to say anything to make any of them anymore worried than they already are.

"Don't be too rough on him," Hotaru sighs. "I'm sure he had his reasons."

Akaashi sighs and shakes his head, but has nothing more to add to the conversation which then dies out.

After what seems like the longest walk ever, the four of you finally find the hospital. The second that it comes into view, your group runs right over. Akaashi's the first to spot Saeko and calls the rest of you over to follow him.

"Well?!" Hotaru asks quietly.

"They're both in surgery and we can't visit them right now," Saeko shrugs. "That's all I really know."

"What should we do in the meantime?"

"You, Hotaru, and Kenma should find somewhere to sit and get some rest," Akaashi tells you.

"What're you gonna do?" Kenma asks.

"I'm going to call for a tow. We should get the camper out of there before Jun or one of his lackeys find it," he answers.

You and Kenma exchange a look and walk away. You find a few chairs against a window and sit down beside one another.

"I'm worried about Kuroo," he mumbles quietly. As you look over at him, you can see the visibly scared look on his face.

"I'm worried about them, too, but they'll be better soon, I promise."

Kenma nods before resting his head against yours. You then sit in silence with him for awhile until you hear soft breathing escaping his lips.

"Kenma?" you call, only to get no response. He was luckily able to fall asleep. However, your brain only falls into a deep, infinite void of worry. Every 'he'll be alright' and 'he's okay' just gets canceled out with a 'what if he's not?' or 'Akaashi was right, he might have seriously injured his broken leg'.

Seconds turn to minutes which feels like an eternity until Akaashi walks up to the two of you and takes the seat on your right.

"I found someone to tow the camper over. Saeko's going to give me a ride now," he whispers for Kenma's sake.

"Okay," you nod, "please be careful."

"I will. You try to get some sleep, okay? You need it. It'll help."

"I'll try," you smile weakly. "Thanks, 'Kaashi."

"Sure," he hums back before glancing over at Kenma and walking off.

You watch as he walks back to Hotaru and Saeko for a moment before the group parts and Hotaru fills the seat Akaashi previously held.

"This was already a long night," she sighs anxiously. "Who knew it would get even worse?"

"It'll be over soon," you attempt to comfort her.

"You know, Y/N, you should be the first to see him when he wakes up. It'll mean the world to him."

"Why would it matter?" you furrow your eyebrows. You're not quite sure if this is a horrible attempt at teasing you about Bokuto or not.

"This whole trip was meant for him to try and get close to you again after all these years," she smiles. "Why else would he go to these lengths just for a silly road trip when he should have been staying home and getting better?"

"Well, I don't know!" you whisper a bit flustered at the thought of him setting this whole thing up just for you.

"Y/N! Because of you!"

"Well when you say it like that it makes me sound like a horrible person!" you tense up.

"No, it makes you sound super important to him, which you are! Just go talk to him when he's awake, okay?"

"Okay, Hotaru," you hum as you lean your head against hers. "I will."


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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now