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After that somewhat-awkward conversation with the guys, you decide to get up and purchase a coffee from the barista. About a minute after, Hotaru orders something and stands beside you as she waits for her drink.

"Bokuto was just saying that you haven't taken a day off of work, is that true?" she asks.

"Damn that owl with the big mouth," you groan.

"What? Like you don't have a big, fat crush on him," she chuckles, teasing you.

You shake your head in disagreement. "Come on, Bokuto and I are close but it's not like that."

"Alright, sure," she says a bit sarcastically, "but either way you should consider going on this trip. It'll be fun and you deserve it."

"I didn't think you were so interested in it. Besides, Akaashi and Kenma aren't too into it," you shrug.

"Kenma will probably give in if you say you'll go," she nods. "And if Akaashi's the last one to say yes, I'm sure Bokuto won't stop bugging him until he gives in."

You smile at the thought. "You're probably right. How come you're so invested in this? Don't you have a class of kids to teach?"

Hotaru shrugs. "It'll be fun, besides it'll be nice to get away for a little while. Sixth graders aren't always the nicest, you know."

"That's understandable," you chuckle. 

Just then, the bartender comes with your drink. You thank them and grab the cup from the table. 

"So you're in then?" your friend asks.

"I guess so," you shake your head in disbelief that you're actually on board with this. "Yeah, I'm in."

"That's great!" she beams.

Once more, the bartender comes back. However, they call out your name instead of Hotaru's which visibly confuses her. She watches you carefully as you pick up the second drink.

"Are you on some kinda coffee kick?" she asks.

You smile awkwardly, knowing she's never going to let you hear the end of what you're about to say. "One's for Bo."

"Of course it is," she shakes her head. "And you're sure you're not in love with him?"

"Stop it, Hotaru," you hum. "I told you it isn't like that."

She smiles as the bartender comes back once more and finally hands Hotaru her coffee. The two of you then walk quietly back to the boys. When you sit down beside Kenma again, you hand Bokuto his drink. He beams down at the cup and thanks you about five times.

"Where the hell's my coffee?" Kuroo asks a bit bewildered over the simple gesture.

"You can go get your own," Bokuto replies as he shoos his friend to get out of his face.

Kuroo doesn't take his friend's gesture laying down. "You could have gotten your own, too!" he pouts. "If it's really gonna be like that, then get a damn room, you two!" he adds before getting up and walking away. 

You take a sip of your coffee, minding your own business even though you can feel Kenma's eyes burning a hole into the side of your body. However, you don't pay much attention to him until he pokes you in the side.

"What was that for!" you squeal as you squirm away from him.

Kenma's face stays perfectly neutral as he leans into your ear. "Why'd you get that stupid owl coffee. Are you two secretly dating or something? I'm not going to tell Kuroo," he whispers.

"Liar!" you groan. "But of course we're not!"

You and Kenma exchange glances for a moment just as Kuroo sits back down with a cup of coffee in his hand.

"So about this road trip..." he changes the topic.

"We already said no, you idiot. Why are you so determined?!" Kenma groans.

"I've wanted to do this ever since college! And you all agreed back then so you should be determined, too!"

"I am!" Bokuto agrees. "What were you going to say about it?"

"Well... I think I can pull together an RV. If I do that, you guys should come check it out! It'd be great for the trip!"

Akaashi sighs and shakes his head. "If that's what I have to do to entertain this fantasy then so be it. I'll come look at the trailer, but that's it."

Kuroo then looks over at your side of the table, most specifically eyeing Kenma. Kenma visibly stiffens when he notices all eyes are on him. He robotically turns his head to the side where you are and sighs when he hears you agree to go.

"Okay, fine," he gives in.

"Great!" Kuroo beams. "Monday at my place!" He then texts his address into the group chat. 

After that, Kuroo and Bokuto move on to focusing the conversation onto other things. You spend the rest of the afternoon chatting with them until your group decides it's time to part ways.

"Need a ride?" Hotaru asks you as you stand up. "You said you don't have a car, right?"

"That's right," you nod, about to accept Hotaru's offer until you notice her eyes gaze up to something directly behind you.

"Uh, are you alright Bokuto? You look like you're going to kill Y/N."

You turn around to see that Hotaru's right. Bokuto's staring down at you as though you just brutally murdered his whole family. 

"I'm fine," he smiles at Hotaru. "I was just waiting to hear what Y/N said to you. I did promise her a ride home already, after all."

Kuroo coughs, choking out the word "simp" just enough for the single syllable to be heard. 

Hotaru chuckles and shakes her head. "Alright, see you on Monday, Y/N!"

"Bye," you wave as she walks off to share her goodbyes with the others and approaches the bartender to get what you assume is a to-go cup of coffee presumably for her or Saeko. 

Bokuto smiles down at you now that he's gotten rid of his competition for your attention. He places his hand on your back, probably a bit lower than customary considering the way the other three stare down at where his arm disappears behind your back as you approach them. 

The two of you say your goodbyes, you giving each of them individual hugs without noticing the way Bokuto's staring them down as if he was ready to strike off their hands wandered an inch into the range he didn't want them to drop to. 

Kuroo smirks Bokuto's way as he hugs you, pushing the invisible boundaries his friend has set and watching the way his face contorts in displeasure. 

After that, you and Bokuto depart from the shop. Your walk back is a bit tense; you can sense the frustration bubbling in Bokuto's mind although you can't say exactly what he's pissed off from. Perhaps it's because you, Akaashi, and Kenma shot down the idea of the road trip.

 Perhaps it's because you, Akaashi, and Kenma shot down the idea of the road trip

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now