thirty seven

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Two mornings later you standing beside Kuroo signing his release papers from the nurse's desk. You sign an agreement saying that you will take care of him and watch over him for the next few days as he recovers as part of the agreement for his release.

Just as you finish up, Bokuto limps over with his own set of crutches. "Hey! Hey! Hey!" his voice booms as he throws one of his arms around you and passes you a cheesy grin.

Kuroo smirks to himself. "It looks like the two of you are getting along well. Must be all that time the two of you spent alone in that room."

As you pass the nurse Kuroo's signed release papers, you chuckle awkwardly at the embarrassing moment. She looks back at you with a strained grin as though it wasn't her first time hearing something like that.

"You dumbass," Bokuto then scoffs as he sticks out his tongue at Kuroo. "Y/N and I always get along well."

Kuroo nods happily and the moment that the nurse tells you he's allowed to leave, he begins to walk off without you.

"Hey, wait! Kuroo don't go off on your own!" you shout, though you can't chase after him since Bokuto's arm is still around you and you don't want to make him fall. So, you allow Kuroo to walk off to wherever it was that he was headed and instead begin to sign Bokuto out of the hospital.

Once you and Bokuto are done, you walk slowly with him into the hospital parking lot. Right outside the door, you find your whole group of friends standing by the now working again RV which puts a bright smile right on Bokuto's face. You can tell he's ecstatic to find out what Saeko's plan for the trip is.

"So what is it?!" he asks the second he gets close enough to ask her. "Where are we going?!"

"It's a bit far away," she nods. "So we're going to have to stop halfway there... I'll tell you tomorrow what it is."

Bokuto pouts at the unfairness of Saeko's game, but he understands there's not much he can really do about it.

A moment later your eyes are pulled away as you witness Kuroo attempting to make his way past the camper's side door. You roll your eyes at his idiocy but walk over to help him.

"Don't be so damn reckless," you huff. "That's what got you into this mess in the first place!"

"Thanks," he nods as you hold the door open for him and help him inside, "but I really think you should be worrying about the even bigger idiot."

"Hm?" you hum as you look back towards Bokuto who's now attempting to stand without either of the crutches. "Goddammit, this is going to be a long trip."

Once Kuroo is safely inside of the camper, you call Bokuto over and help him inside as well. A few minutes later, the rest of your group comes up with a plan to get to Saeko's secret location. Kenma hops into the driver's seat with you by his side as the camper follows behind Saeko and Hotaru in the car.

The ride is quite long and Kenma reminds you it might be best to catch some sleep. Looking back into the RV you see it's dead quiet; you figure everyone else is probably asleep too. So, you agree and doze off.

When you wake up, you're arriving at a campsite in the middle of a forest. The sounds of Bokuto and Kuroo in the back getting all excited stirs up your anticipation as well, you haven't gone camping in a long time.

Kenma parks the car beside a small electrical outlet for the camper while Saeko parks her car on the other side. You then walk outside and marvel at your surroundings. Being in the woods like this is pretty cool when you're not being hunted down by a bunch of psychopaths.

"Man, it sure is nice here," Kuroo hums to you. "Now I gotta use the bathroom."

"What does that have to do with me? I just helped you out of the RV and now you want to go back in?" you sigh as you grab onto Kenma who's attempting to walk away from the conversation. "Hey, Kenma, why don't you and Kuroo go find a bathroom, hm?"

Hotaru stretches her back as she joins in with the conversation. "It might be nice to find a bathroom around here instead of using the small one in the RV. I could go, too."

"Me as well," Saeko chimes in. "I'm pretty sure the ranger on the way in here said there was one not too far from our site. Let's go check it out."

As the group agrees, you tag along with them. However, Bokuto and Akaashi stay behind. Neither of them said they had to use the bathroom but Bokuto was a bit worried about walking off and possibly tripping over something. He does not want to go back to the hospital.

Saeko was right, there was a bathroom not too far away. It was just at the bottom of a small hill hidden amongst the trees which made it a bit difficult to find. However, it was nice to walk around the camping grounds with your friends as you got a bit lost on your way there.

"So, Y/N, how's everything going with Bo?" Hotaru asks as she washes her hands in the sink. "I mean, you did stay with him every night in the hospital."

"Did you two do anything?" Saeko teases.

"No," you smile as you attempt to keep your voice in a hush, knowing the walls are paper thin between the bathrooms. "But it's going well, maybe soon."

"I'm so glad you visited him," Hotaru nods. "You definitely made his day each morning you woke up beside him. I'm so happy for you."

"Thanks, Hotaru," you grin as you sigh and hug her while you now wait for Saeko to dry her hands. "I'm so happy I have the two of you, I don't know where I'd be without you."

"Don't mention it," Saeko smiles at you through the mirror. "I don't know about Hotaru, but I, for one, am happy to help!"

"Stupid," Hotaru mumbles under her breath. "We're both happy to help. Now, let's go back out there before those jerks ditch us."

"Yeah, good idea," you chuckle as the three of you head towards the exit of the bathroom, now relieved and ready to enjoy the rest of your night.

"Yeah, good idea," you chuckle as the three of you head towards the exit of the bathroom, now relieved and ready to enjoy the rest of your night

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now