forty three

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After you spend the evening at the hot spring, your little group of girls meets back up in the lobby with the guys who're already complaining of hunger before you even arrive. However, you can't really deny that you're hungry, too, so you hop on board with the idea of getting some dinner.

"There's a restaurant inside of the hotel!" Hotaru gasps, remembering the one she saw while looking around when you first arrived. And so, your group walks across the large property to get there.

There was a small wait time, no doubt because this hotel is more like a resort in your opinion and there's got to be thousands of people. But once your group is called and you're led across the restaurant to an outside balcony, you're absolutely blown away.

You're seated under an awning, but you walk to the edge and look out towards the rest of the resort. Bokuto does the same, almost running with his crutches to the edge of the stone balcony beside you. You both look down, watching a huge lake surrounded by mountains on the far side of the resort. But what catches Bokuto's eye is something completely different.

"Look, Y/N, there is a mixed-gender hot spring!" he gasps.

Saeko and Hotaru standing behind you shrug their shoulders. "Whoops," they hum unapologetically. You suppose they probably just wanted time to talk to you alone about later tonight.

After admiring the view, you and Bokuto sit side by side at the table. You smile over at Akaashi on your right side, but he remains quiet and still. You suppose he's probably just hungry, although you've got to admit his behavior is a bit strange.

Once the food is ordered, the group strikes up a conversation. Everyone talks and laughs, even Akaashi despite how he seems to be watching what he says.

"Are your legs feeling any better after being in the water?" Saeko asks Bokuto and Kuroo.

The two of them look at each other and smile. "Good," they both reply.

"Thank God you're both feeling better," Hotaru sighs, "'cause if it wasn't for Y/N your legs would be a hell of a lot worse."

Kuroo grins brightly. "Yeah, well Y/N works well with her hands!"

Just then, Bokuto's leg hits the bottom of the table, causing a clattering sound to ring across the table and everyone to look over at him.

"Are you alright?" you whisper.

"Yep," he swallows. "Fine."

"Why're you so jumpy?" Kuroo hums, catching on to what's going on with his friend. "You should be thanking Y/N after all that screaming and crying she went through for you."

Bokuto's face turns bright red as he listens to Kuroo. You're about to intervene and tell him it's alright, but the second your hand lands on his thigh plates of food land before you on the table, and the conversation is immediately stopped. You glare over at Kuroo, a bit frustrated that he actually went that far for a joke yet again.

When you look back over at Bokuto, he's just staring down into his food. Perhaps this was a bad idea, maybe you should switch rooms- Hotaru and Saeko will probably let you stay with them if you beg. Or you could just go back to the RV and stay there for the night...

You and Bokuto take after Akaashi's strange behavior and eat quietly while listening to the conversation happening on the other side of the table. And then afterward, when everyone disappears back to their rooms, you and Bokuto walk slowly to the staircase, knowing that the stairs will make the route to the room longer than if you were to take the elevator.

Eventually, you arrive before the door which is when Bokuto turns to you with a worried look on his face. But before he can think of the right words to say, you interrupt.

"If it'll make you more comfortable, I can go sleep somewhere else," you explain.

"No," he squeaks as his arms tense up against his sides. "No, I mean I was just going to ask you if you wanted me to go somewhere else."

Your cheeks begin to heat up at the sudden standstill- it's now down to the next thing you say to sleep with one of your closest friends in a way you never have before.

"It's alright," you shake your head. "I'd like you to stay with me... if you want to stay."

"I do," he whispers a bit airheadedly, as though he can't help but thinking that he must be dreaming. "I want to stay with you, too."

You then look down at the key in his hand. He mutters something to himself quietly about 'standing in the hallway like an idiot' and fumbles with the key. You smile to yourself when he turns around, happy to know that he wants to be with you like this. Besides, the whole key thing is pretty cute to watch, too.

When he finally gets the door open, he lets out a huge sigh of relief. And you thank him with a smile as he ushers you inside first. You walk in and move your backpack off the bed, grabbing a few supplies before telling him that you're going to shower.

After your shower, Bokuto then goes in. When he comes back out he spots you with your back turned, facing outside the window. He walks up to you and wraps his arms around your back. You gasp quietly, but relax as you realize it's him.

"It really is pretty here," you whisper.

"Just not as pretty as you," Bokuto flirts a bit cheesily.

You turn around slowly, your back now pressed against the glass window and your chest squished up against him. A smile grows on your lips as his eyes meet yours.

"I'm really glad I came on this trip," you admit.

"Yeah," he replies as he looks down dreamily at your lips. "I'm glad you came, too. It wouldn't be the same without you."

And then, about as gentle as he always attempts to be around you, he brings his head down and pressed his soft, warm lips sweetly against yours. You can smell the minty toothpaste he's just used on his breath as you kiss him back. You smile as you wrap your arms around his neck and kiss him back just as passionately.

"I love you," you whisper.

"I love you, too."


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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now