twenty nine

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You and Saeko remain dead silent as you listen to the trio approaching the room you're in. Peeking out from underneath the desk you're under, you find Hotaru wedged between Jun and some other man.

"It's Hotaru!" you whisper to Saeko as she crawls over and checks out the scene as well. You then give her a quick rundown about Jun describing him as an "annoying pervert" and the other man as just some guest.

"Alright. Leave this to me," she then says as she tosses you a thumbs up and crawls out from under the desk. You watch as she stumbles drunkenly over to the three of them with her hand on her head.

"Oh my God, I just got the shit fucked out of me... I think I blacked out, did anyone see where he went?" she sighs dreamily.

Hotaru's eyes widen but she keeps quiet while she remains squeezes between the two men. Jun, however, looks intrigued and smirks.

"You poor thing," he hums as he reaches out his arm for her to take. "I'll show you to somewhere you can lay down."

"I think I have a better idea," she giggles as she accepts his hand and pulls him away from Hotaru. "Why don't we try something here."

As she pulls Jun close, she tugs him backwards into the room you're in. "We're already here and I'm ready for round two."

While Jun's back hits against the edge of the desk you're under, you get chills from the smirk you know is only growing on his face. That damn bastard thinks he's got Saeko right where he wants her.

"Whoops," Saeko giggles drunkenly as she apologizes for bumping him against the desk. The two of them go quiet. You suppose this is your opening to do something, she's probably distracting them with a kiss telling by how close their feet are to each other.

Less hesitantly than the other times you used it, you grab the knife tightly and stab Jun dead center in his calf. He lets out a shriek and sinks down the side of the desk while clutching his leg. You pull out the knife just in time and scramble out of the desk.

Your next move is to run beside Hotaru and hold the knife to the male guest beside her. Immediately he holds his hands up in the air, absolutely scared shitless. Now that you have a better look at him, he seems like some rich foreigner that Jun intended on robbing.

"Woah, what the hell is going on here Jun?!" he shrieks.

"Just shut the hell up and do as that psycho bitch says!" he replies as he grips his leg tightly to stop the bleeding.

"Are you okay, Hotaru?" you ask your friend, ignoring Jun.

"I'm fine but what the hell is Saeko doing here?!"

"Helping," Saeko beams. "I missed you, babe. What do we do next?"

Hotaru grins and runs up to Jun, kneeling down in front of him to pat him down for the key to the locked closet.

"You stupid bitch," Jun scoffs. "Back the hell off!"

"Shut up!" you interrupt. "Don't talk or I'll take his cash and kill this guy just like Kin. Don't think you'd want that, would you? He's loaded isn't he?"

"You brat," Jun rolls his eyes. "Kin isn't dead."

"I don't care," you groan at his child-like behavior. "Just don't move and don't think about touching either of my friends!"

"Got it!" Hotaru finally exclaims before tossing a small keychain over to Saeko.

Saeko runs to the door and quickly unlocks it. Hotaru grabs a backpack sitting in the room and runs to her fiancée to fill it up, and their bras, with as much cash as possible.

"Found the keys, too, Y/N!" Hotaru exclaims.

"Thank god," you sigh, finally satisfied that you've got a way to leave this damn place.

You then push your hostage into the room and usher him to sit beside Jun. You stand over the two of them, guarding as your friends grab as much cash as they can get.

"So what did you do with Rei and Kane?" Jun scoffs. "Your cute little dress is covered in blood, you know."

"None of your damn business," you reply, holding the knife between his eyes. "Now, tell me, where do you have those giant friends of yours. I noticed they're not in here guarding anything."

"Like hell I'll help you," he spits back.

"I didn't ask that," you sneer as you kneel beside him and slide the knife down gently to his throat. "Don't fuck around you disgusting perv, just tell me."

"Yo, Y/N, we're ready," Saeko interrupts.

You send her a nod before directing your response back to Jun, still awaiting his answer.

"God, you're going straight to hell," he scoffs.

Your eyebrows knit together and with one quick motion you slit the side of his face, somewhat matching the mark on your cheek.

"It doesn't matter what I say, none of you are going to believe me anyway. But I suppose, if it saves me from dying by your shaky hand, I'll tell you that they're guarding your little boyfriend's room."

Your teeth grind together as you debate accepting his answer, but as Hotaru places her hand on your shoulder you know it's time to go. It's not like any of you want to spend more time around Jun than you have to anyway.

"It's as good as we'll get," she explains. But Jun was right, it doesn't matter anyway. As long as he spouts out an answer it doesn't matter what he says. Whatever, it is what it is.

"Come on, let's just go," Saeko says to you as she puts on the backpack and heads towards the door. "Show me where the guys are, we'll think up a plan along the way!"

 "Show me where the guys are, we'll think up a plan along the way!"

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{ROAD TRIP} Bokuto x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now