🖤 dancing without music 🖤

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This is a story of how I fell in love with you and then you broke my heart but I still love you.

"Just call me Chaeyoung, Jungkook.", you were such a cute, friendly person who did not see me as a low class person when I came to your company on my first day of work.

You treated me like a friend because we have no age gap. You were my superior, no, you were the big boss. You were new at your position replacing your father but you were so good at your work that I admired you a lot.

"Jungkook, I love you.", you confessed to me.

We have known each other for a year at that time and I have loved you from the start. I did not know when you had the same feeling for me but your confession surprised me. I never thought my love for you will be reciprocated.

"I don't care what other people says. I love you and that's the truth. I won't give up until you accept me, Jungkook.", you were so determined that we can be together despite of our differences.

I accepted your love and we started to date publicly. Most of my friends, your own staff knew about us. Even your father were fond of us, I cannot believe he was okay with you being with me. Your own staff.

"I'm sorry, Jaehyun. I have a boyfriend.", you said when someone approached you at the dinner while I left for the washroom.

You always have been the bigger person in our relationship. I was still a timid person, scared of every men that comes to you. I was never able to tell them that you are taken, you always told them before I could. And you'd pull my arm and kiss my lips without hesitation.

"I want to marry you..and bring you to Paris..and I'll shout from the top of the Eiffel Tower...I'll say..I love you, Jeon Jungkook...while you twirl me around like nobody's looking..", I can never forget the time you revealed your plan when you were drunk at your 27th birthday party.

You always had a small gathering with your three best friends on your birthday that you said is a must. You will spend time with them before you look for me but the third year we were together, you did not look for me. Your friend called me to pick you up because you were too drunk to walk by yourself. Your best friends were all blackout too except for Jisoo who called me that night.

"When will you propose to me? I want to marry you..", your cute pout when you asked me that question that night still haunted my mind.

I kissed you and told you soon. You fell asleep in the passenger seat as I drove you home.

"Stay with me, Jungkook.", you asked when I told you I will be outside sleeping in your living room.

I stayed as you wanted. I never did it before. Yes, three years of being together but we never shared a bed. I did not want anything to happen between us that we will regret after. But after that night, we shared a bed a lot. Thankfully, we were able to hold ourselves from anything more than kissing and hugging.

"Kookie, I'm sorry we had to cancel the dinner. Daddy had a heart attack, I'm going to the hospital.", that was when everything changed.

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