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Continuing from 'last dance'


She was his strength but he lost her two years ago when she suddenly wanted to break up with him after her father's heart transplant surgery. He felt something was wrong but he could not do anything about it. Not until he met her again after she married Jaehyun a year ago.

"Jungkook, please wait...", she begged when he wanted to run away from her.

He did not want to cause any trouble of being seen with a married woman especially when she was his ex-girlfriend. He wanted to leave just like the time he saw her kissing Jaehyun but the bluish swelling she showed him on her neck worried him.

"Please hear me out.", she said while looking around as if she was scared of someone seeing her with him.

"Let's get in here.", he pulled her hand into the janitor room right the second he realized how she was looking around carefully.

In the room, he asked her what was wrong but she just teared up as she put her head on his shoulder. He carefully lifted her hair that covered the lump on the side of her neck before she stepped back. She shook her head before hissing at his touch on her wrist. He heard it a while ago when he pulled her into the room, a low hissing of pain that she tried to hide.

"What happened to you?", he asked as he folded the sleeve off her wrist.

There were more bruises which shocked him to witness them.

"Chaeyoung, talk to me..", he told her as he carefully touch her hands.

"He- he..."

"He? Jaehyun? What did he do to you?!", Jungkook raised his voice a little as he said the name of the man who stole her from him.

Chaeyoung put her finger on his lips, trying to shut him up.

"Don't...speak loudly. The guards might hear it.", she said, almost in whisper to him.

After that, she began telling him everything from the start. From the time she wanted to break up with him. From the very beginning of her torture.

He was in tears with her as she shared her hurtful story with him. He wanted to hug her but she kept stepping back from him. Telling him that she did not deserve it, hiding her pain from him.

"I will help you. I promise you that.", he told her after she thanked him for listening to her. "I can't let you stay with that monster.", he added as she looked at him silently.

"Thanks, Jungkook but..I don't think it will be easy. I made a deal with him and I'm already his wife. I can't do anything-"

"Our country has laws, Chae. He's abused you. Physically. These bruises...they're proof.", Jungkook cut her off while taking picture of the bruises but she pushed him away.

"Don't. Please delete it.", she asked him.

He frowned before asking why.

"I'm pregnant.", she revealed as she looked down on the ground.

Jungkook sighed before he asked further, "You just found out?"

She nodded, "Three weeks, I haven't told him yet. I hope this news will change him for me. Even though I don't...love him, I don't want to ruin his image so please Jungkook.."

He shook his head, "Then, why are you telling me everything now?"

Chaeyoung found it hard to say but she tried to, "I...just wanted to say sorry...I've been trying to..reach you but...it's hard..."

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