🥰 that's why i like you 🥰

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You're the one that
I've been looking for
Good hearted, cute and beautiful
I can't take my eyes off you
Cuz you're the reason
That I think I'm falling

"There were a lot of people at the top when we reached there. I can't even take a good picture with the beautiful view of the mountain. We should've gone there on a different day, not on a weekend like that..", Chaeyoung pouted as she told Jungkook about her hiking trip with Lisa last weekend.

"Do you want to go there again?", Jungkook asked on the other end of the phone.

She nodded as she answered, "Of course but I cannot go alone. Oppa will scold me if I get into trouble up there."

"Well, I can accompany you if you want.", Jungkook said to her.

"Really? I don't want to ask you to go with me because I know your job is already stressing you out.", she remembered when he told her that he was stressed at one of the photoshoot sessions he had to work on.

He chuckled before telling her, "That's because the model was too touchy not because I got too much work to do. I need a time off too and I think a day with the nature is what I needed now."

Chaeyoung smiled thinking how he was scared of the model before he called her name on the phone.

"I think I see you, Chaeyoung.", he said as Chaeyoung lifted her head and saw a car coming to where she was waiting at.

She sighed in relief before she ended the call and stood up from the bench. Few seconds later, Jungkook parked the car and walked towards her with a wide smile on his face. He waved at her and asked her if she was alright.

"Yeah, I'm fine.", she nodded as she followed him to the car. "Who's car is this?", she asked as she never seen him driving that car before.

"It's mine.", Jungkook said as he opened the door for her. "Please come in.", he added as he put his hand on the top of the car, preventing her head bumping to it.

"Thank you.", Chaeyoung responded as she got inside.

"Alright.", Jungkook closed the door and went to the driver's side of the car. "Okay, now let's get you home.", he said as he put his seat belt on and began to drive.

"About what we were talking earlier, when do you want to go to the mountain, Chaeyoung?", Jungkook asked as he glanced at her for a moment.

Chaeyoung looked back at him and asked if he was serious to come with her for hiking. He nodded and told her that he needed a break from his work. He also told her that he is free for two weeks and he is available anytime during that period of time.

"Okay...how about...this Thursday?", she asked him.

He nodded right away, "It's a date then."

"What?", Chaeyoung automatically asked as she heard the word 'date' from him.

"It's a deal. On Thursday, we go hiking at the mountain.", Jungkook rephrased before she misunderstood further.


Chaeyoung was amazed when both of them made it to the top of the mountain that evening. The view of the sun setting from up there made her gawking as she looked at it with her own eyes. She was a bit shocked when Jungkook put a pair of black shades on for her.

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