🖤 last dance 🖤

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This is a story of how I fell in love with you and then I broke your heart but I still love you.

"Just call me Chaeyoung, Jungkook.", I told you after I found out that we were of the same age.

You were a bit clumsy that day. You looked like you were in a rush. You told me it was your first day of work. You wanted to impress your boss. You wanted to impress me and I was impressed indeed.

I treated you like a friend because we have no age gap. You were so careful whenever I call you by your name. You did not want others to think I treated you differently from them. You always being wary of your surroundings whenever we meet. Your behavior forced me to be honest with you about my feelings for you.

"Jungkook, I love you.", I confessed to you.

We have known each other for a year at that time and I have loved you from the start. You might not know that but that was the truth. You caught my attention since the first day we met, Jungkook.

"I don't deserve you, Chaeyoung. I'm just merely your staff. We-", I shut your mouth with a kiss on your lips when you told me why we cannot be together.

After that, I told you, "I don't care what other people says. I love you and that's the truth. I won't give up until you accept me, Jungkook."

Only then, you accepted me and we started to date publicly. Most of my friends and my staff knew about us. Even my father were fond of us, you cannot believe he was okay with you being with me. You said my father must have forgotten that you were just a staff working for me. And I told you that he has no problem with whoever I date as long as I am happy.

"Your boyfriend is your own staff?", a guy who tried to approach me asked when I introduced you to him.

"Yes, he's working at my company. Is it a problem to you?", I would question back while I tightly hold your hand.

"Chae, let's go. Let's have a dance, you said you want to dance to this song, right?", you whispered to my ear when our song, Perfect by Ed Sheeran is played.

I smiled and politely end the conversation with the man glaring at us, "It's good to know you, Jaehyun. Now, please excuse us to dance to the song."

I thanked you when we were dancing on the dance floor. You asked me why. I told you that you just stopped me from getting my mood ruined that night. You always did that whenever I was getting pissed off with people that looked down on you. I was always ready to scold anyone that treated you like you were a low class person. And you were always there to warm my heart.

"You wanted me to stay so here I am, Chae.", you told me the morning we woke up when I accidentally kicked you, surprised to find you sleeping beside me on my own bed.

Since that day, we shared a bed more often and we realized that there were a lot more fun things to do than making love as we shared a bed. We might be cuddling all night binge-watching our favorite drama together, we stared at ceiling sharing stories till we fall asleep, and we even had a pillow fight like we were kids.

I loved those things we did and I missed it.

"Kookie, I'm sorry we had to cancel the dinner. Daddy had a heart attack, I'm going to the hospital.", that was when everything changed.

You came to the hospital to visit and found me crying on the floor, leaning against the wall next to the door of my father's room.

"There's a donor but...", how I wished I could tell you but I can't.

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