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Warning: there might be a spoiler to a movie but...it's an old movie so I hope you guys don't mind 😬


It was another dull lacklustre morning for Rosé which she had nothing to look forward to since almost two years ago. Every time her alarm wakes her up, she would just stare to the ceiling for hours before she really gets up from her comfy bed to go through the day ahead. She never had a plan on what to do for six hundred and seventy days but she changed her mind today for once.

"Chaeyoung, you can't go on like this. Jungkook wouldn't like it if he sees you this way."

"It's been a year, Rosé. I'm not here to remind you of that day but your fans are worried about you."

"My dear, you're worrying me. If you keep being like this, I don't know what will happen to you when I'm gone."

These voices and many more kept telling her to come back to her old self that was all cheerful and bubbly to their eyes. She only had the courage to try to get back to that old Rosé today. It was still hard for her but she promised herself to try her best.

With a small smile formed as she looked at herself in the mirror, she told herself to be brave to face the world once again.

"My dear-", her mother was speechless when she saw Rosé sitting on the white chair in front of the vanity table.

"Mom...good morning.", Rosé greeted her mother who walked up to stand behind her.

They looked at each other through the mirror in front of them.

"Roseanne, you look nice, my dear.", her mother told her with a smile on her face.

Rosé flashed a little smile back before asking her mother, "Mom, is my hair fine? I didn't know if I should go to-"

"Roseanne, your hair is nice. I kind of miss seeing you in your black hair, my dear.", her mother told her since she had a blonde hair for a long time before this. "And I like to see you smiling today.", she added as she pinched Rosé's right cheek gently.

"Thank you, mom.", Rosé said before she pulled her mother for a hug. "I'm sorry for making you worry about me..", she looked up to her mother as her hands wrapped around her mother's waist.

She felt her mother softly rubbing her head like when she was a kid. The same soft touch to comfort her whenever she feels down or sad. She missed these kind of interactions with her mother so much.

"Roseanne, it's okay. Let's not talk about it. I'm here actually to bring you your breakfast.", her mother told her before she looked at the tray of food on the table beside the door.

"Mom, can I eat outside? I mean can we eat together in the dining room?", Rosé asked as she has not been eating outside of her bedroom for a while.

Her mother nodded with a smile, "Sure, let's go."


The people strolling around Olympic Park was shocked to see Rosé walking with her best friend, Lisa after her long almost two years hiatus from appearing on the screen. A few of them took their chances of taking a picture of her while Lisa captured the nature sceneries around the park with her. Some of them tried to say hi to her and get a selfie with her but Lisa will quickly say no to protect her best friend's privacy.

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