🖤 first time 🖤

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First time that I saw you
Lying by my side
Felt so very happy that you're mine
Now I know you love me
Heaven in your eyes
Everything around me feels so right

This is where it all began.

The first time her heart fluttered for an innocent guy yet clumsy at the lobby.

The first time his heart pounding hard at a modest yet humble girl in the luxurious building.

The first time they met, they already felt something for each other even if they just shared a mere second of eye contact.

"Are you okay, sir?", she broke the silence between them while waiting for the elevator to arrive.

He was in a hurry since it was his first day to work. He wanted to give a good impression to his superior. He was unaware that the girl beside him was going to be the person he needed to impress.

"I may be your boss but I looked up your profile, Jungkook. We're at the same age. So just call me Chaeyoung, okay?", she said to him at the end of the day.

Since then, he had been admiring her for being a great young boss she is and might have caught feelings for her in the meantime. They became close friends within a year of knowing each other and one day she made a confession to him.

"Jungkook, I love you.", he was caught off guard with her confession that night.

He never thought she had feelings for him. He never thought she would love him back. He never thought to hear her confessing to him first.

"I don't care what other people says. I love you and that's the truth. I won't give up until you accept me, Jungkook.", she told him when he was hesitant to accept her love, worried of what people around them will say about their differences in social class.

Because of her encouragement, he became brave for both of them and they dated publicly. Most of their friends knew about them. Even her father was smiling when she introduced him as her boyfriend at the company dinner.

Everyone that knew both of them said he was lucky to have her. Some of them even asked what he did to make her fall in love with him. Some would congratulate him for successfully winning her heart. However, their words sometime made him scared because he felt that they were insincere to him. A few of them even straight out said that they want to steal her from him. He smiled when they said they were just joking.

"I'm sorry, Jaehyun. I have a boyfriend.", he was relieved when he came back to the dinner venue seeing her rejecting a man's invitation to dance with her.

In his eyes, he saw how she was always the braver person in their relationship. She was not scared to reject any men that came to approach her. She was good at telling them directly that she is already taken. She was always the first to kiss him without hesitation in front of anyone that need a proof of them being in love.

"I want to marry you..and bring you to Paris..and I'll shout from the top of the Eiffel Tower...I'll say..I love you, Jeon Jungkook...while you twirl me around like nobody's looking..", she unconsciously revealed her plan when she was drunk at her 27th birthday party to him.

He laughed at her as he brought her back to her house that night.

"When will you propose to me? I want to marry you..", she asked with her cute pout as he put the seat belt for her.

He gave her a kiss and told her it will be soon before he drive her home.

"Stay with me, Jungkook.", she asked of him when he told her that he will be outside sleeping in the living room.

He looked at her face and her hand that was holding his. He knew she was not aware of what she was doing. She was just asking him to stay with her in her bedroom and so he did as she wanted.

It was his first time to lie beside her on her own queen-sized bed. He never lied there before even though they have been together for three years. They agreed to not let themselves get carried away in their relationship that will make them regret in the future.

"You wanted me to stay so here I am, Chae.", he told her the morning they woke up and she accidentally kicked him out of the bed, surprised to find him sleeping beside her.

"Oh...I'm sorry, Kookie. Come here, did it hurt?", she pulled his hand to sit down and check where she kicked him at.

He chuckled when he looked at her hands roaming around his abdomen, "You're tickling me, Chae."

She removed her hands and looked away from him before slowly saying, "You're laughing means you're not hurt then."

"What?", he asked as he heard her mumble.

"I need to go to wash my face.", she quickly stood up but then, she groaned in pain as she touched her head.

"Be careful.", he held her from falling and helped her to sit.

She shook her head and said, "I shouldn't drink a lot last night."

"Just stay here. I'll get you water to wash your face.", he replied before leaving to her bathroom.

While she was recovering from the hangover, he made her soup and accompanied her to eat it in bed. He even stayed until she fully sobered up in the afternoon. He just watched her until she woke up from her sleep.

"Good afternoon.", he greeted her as he tucked a strand of her hair behind her ear.

She smiled at him before he asked why.

"I wish to hear good morning from you after we slept together but...", both of them laughed at her words.

"Maybe next time.", he told her before he pulled her closer and kissed her forehead. "There is next time, right?", he asked as he began to worry as usual.

She smiled with a nod, "Maybe at your place."

And since that day, they added their firsts more often in their relationship.

First time to kiss in the morning in bed. First time to wish good morning to each other in bed. First time to cuddle in bed while watching their favourite drama. First time to have a pillow fight like they are teenagers having sleepover together. First time to be more intimate as lovers and to bond as best friends. They had a lot of good first times before the storm coming to them.


This one is related to the previous. Chaeyoung's POV? In the next chapter that I will write another day. 😊

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