🥰 i just called to say i love you 🥰

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I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

Since the night Jungkook confessed to Chaeyoung, the two of them never meet again after that as Chaeyoung is avoiding him at all costs. Jungkook tried to call her, text her and meet her but she always ignored him. It was like all his efforts were in vain even though he had apologized multiple times that he made her uncomfortable with his confession that night.

It was not until last night Jimin finally had a serious talk with his sister to solve the problem between her and his best friend. Jimin asked Chaeyoung why she ignored Jungkook and that he knew Jungkook likes her more than just friends. It was not the way Jungkook was going to replace him as her brother but he knew Jungkook wants to make her his girlfriend.

Chaeyoung opened up to Jimin and finally revealed her worries which was relating to her concern of Jungkook trying to make her be like his ex-girlfriend.

"What do you mean by that, Chae?"

"That day we went hiking...I don't know why but I feel like he's done all that stuff before with his ex. Using a shortcut, took me to his favourite spot that night, the way he cares about my eyes, giving me a shade out of nowhere..."

Jimin laughed as he listened to her, causing her to stop talking and threw a pillow to him.

"Oppa, I'm telling you something serious here. Why are you laughing at me?", she asked him.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, Chaeyoung. It's just funny to me that you overthinking about Jungkook like that.", Jimin said as he stopped laughing. "He never had a girlfriend, sister and even if he had, why would it bother you?", he asked her.

Chaeyoung shrugged, "I feel like he's making these activities with me because he is still reminded of her."

Jimin raised his hand, "And may I know who is this her you're talking about?"

Chaeyoung shook her head and sighed.

"I don't know.."

Jimin nodded, "Okay, if I tell you Jungkook never has a girlfriend, do you believe me?"

"Then, who would he have gone to hiking with before? Plus, he's working as a photographer with models everywhere. There's no way he doesn't fall for any of them. Or any of them doesn't fall for him..."

Jimin shook his head to answer Chaeyoung's question, "That guy is not interested with those models. He's interested in you."

"Then, who-"

"Has he ever tell you about his sister?", Jimin asked her and her head shook with a frown. "All these while you two called each other on the phone, you guys never talked about it?", Jimin asked again and Chaeyoung shook her head for the second time.

"He has a sister?"


After weeks of avoiding Jungkook, Chaeyoung finally looked for him first the morning after the talk with Jimin. She knew she was wrong for ignoring him and assuming the worse of him without knowing him better. When she was at his apartment, she was disappointed to find him not at home that morning.

"Jungkook, please pick up your phone...", Chaeyoung sighed at her third try of calling him.

"Come on..."

"Hi, Chaeyoung!", finally the cheerful voice of him is heard on the phone.

Chaeyoung stood up from the staircase at the lobby as she heard his voice.

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