🌉 the happiest girl 🌉

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Hi, guys! Before you read further, here's a trigger warning for you. There may be self-harm/suicide in this one-shot. If you are uncomfortable with these, don't read it. 🙏🏻


"How could you cheat on me! Didn't I give you enough?"

"You gave me more than enough, Chae. It's not you, it's me."

"I hate you! I hate you so much!"

It is the final straw for Chaeyoung that evening. She is done with all the lies, excuses and lack of interaction with her boyfriend of four years. Since he got a promotion a year ago, she slowly realized that he has changed.

He was always the most excited between them whenever they went out for a date. He will arrive early to pick her up and he did not mind to wait for her even if she took a long time to get ready. He also always surprised her with something on their dates.

However, Chaeyoung began to see his changes when her birthday came. He did not wish her as usual after the clock struck 12 at midnight. She sulked with him that day when he did not even contact her until it was dinner time. She wanted to meet him that day but he had texted her early in the morning that he will be busy all day.

When she was having her dinner alone at home, that was the time he called and apologized as he just realized it was her birthday. She cried during the video call as he told her the reason he was busy with work that day. When he saw her tears, he promised to make up to her that weekend but once again he disappointed her.

He cancelled it last minute and she tried to tell herself that it was okay. Because of she had gotten ready in a pastel blue sundress that day, she asked her best friend, Lisa to hang out with her. During their hang out, Lisa questioned her when she did not looked happy like she always was.

Lisa knew something is wrong but Chaeyoung did not say anything about her boyfriend. She just said that she was tired of her work that week. Lisa did not pry more as Chaeyoung quickly changed the topic to talk.

A few months later, Chaeyoung began to overthink about her boyfriend who was out of thr country on his business trip. He promised her that he will try to call her once everyday but she can count how many times they had talk during the 28 days he was away. It was only nine out of those long days they had called each other.

Everytime she was alone and had nothing to do at home, she began to think back on her boyfriend's attitude towards her in those few months. One day she had enough of the unhealthy and depressing times she had to go through alone and she went out with Lisa to have some fun. When they were at the bar, Chaeyoung regretted what she saw with her own eyes.

She saw her boyfriend hugging another girl so tightly and how the girl was kissing her boyfriend as if there were no one around them. After the shocking scene, Chaeyoung went to her boyfriend's house as she had a spare key to wait for him to get an explanation. She was never a girlfriend who would doubt her boyfriend but what she saw has made her feel like a fool.

She wondered if the girl she saw had come to her boyfriend's house before so she went to rummage through around the house to find anything that belonged to a woman that is not hers. While she was throwing away the clothes in his drawer, he came in and called her name with a surprised look. He asked what she was doing and she charged into him before quickly moving his jacket to see his neck.

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