🥰 one call away 🥰

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I'm only one call away
I'll be there to save the day
Superman got nothing on me
I'm only one call away

Call me, baby, if you need a friend
I just wanna give you love
C'mon, c'mon, c'mon
Reaching out to you, so take a chance

The sound of knocking on the door was not enough to wake Chaeyoung up that morning. She ignored it by covering her ears with her pillow. She needed more sleep, her eyes still felt heavy and her head felt dizzy from all the drinking and dancing last night. She just wanted to sleep longer since it was Sunday morning. She did not care about other things at the moment.

"Chaeyoung!", the yelling startled her before she felt her comforter being pulled away from her.

While trying to open her eyes, she whined to her brother that disturbed her sleep.

"What..oppa?", she asked him with her half opened eyes.

"Wake up. It's almost noon, go clean yourself up and eat that soup Jungkook forced me to make for you in the kitchen.", Jimin said as he drew the curtain of the bedroom to give it more light and purposely trying to annoy Chaeyoung with it.

"It's almost- Ah!", Chaeyoung felt her head spinning as she tried to get up from bed. "Damn the alcohol..", she blamed it on the drinks she had last night.

"Hmm...you still in hangover. Wait here, I'll bring the soup to you.", Jimin might be an annoying brother to Chaeyoung but he still was a responsible brother who will take care of her.

When Jimin left her room, she slowly sat on the edge of the bed with her feet on the ground. The hangover she had made her think of how many drinks she had last night and what happened to her until she could not recall how she got home safely sleeping in her bed. She remembered that she went to the night club with Lisa but she did not think that Lisa brought her home. It was someone else.

"Here, eat this.", Jimin came back with a tray of soup and a glass of water which later he put on the table beside the bed.

Chaeyoung went to take the glass and drank a little to hydrate her dry throat. Jimin watched her before he shook his head like he was judging her appearance. She cleared her throat before she begin to speak.

"What are you looking at?", she asked him as she put the glass back to the table.

"I've never seen you drunk. You looked messed up.", Jimin said before he stopped Chaeyoung from taking the bowl of soup from the tray. "Go brush your teeth first, Rosie.", he told her as he signalled the bathroom.

Chaeyoung glared at him but she still followed his words. When she entered the bathroom, she went to the mirror to see her face first in the morning. Upon seeing herself, she was shocked to see her dishevelled hair that looked very messy than her usual sleeping messy hair. Then, she smelled herself and fanned her nose for how intoxicated she smelled like.

"God, I will never drink again.", she said with an echo that can be heard by Jimin outside.

"Good choice! You know you look bad drunk, huh?", Jimin teased her.

Chaeyoung ignored him and began to wash her face and brush her teeth.

"Luckily Jungkook was in that club too. If not, I don't know if I'll ever see you home now.", Jimin told her and it made her stopped brushing her teeth.

"Jungkook was in the club too?", she questioned herself. "It was him..?", she tried to recall last night's event while slowly continuing to brush her teeth.

Her memory of last night was a blur but she did recalled a little bit of it.

"Chaeyoung, are you drunk?"

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