😊 apocalypse 😊

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Your lips, my apocalypse
My heart, totally eclipsed
It's the end of the world as I know it
I'm falling fast and I can't control it
Your lips, my apocalypse


Imagine waking up each day not being able to remember your memory from the day before. It must be confusing and bothering you as you try to get through a new day ahead. This is what the 26 years old Jungkook have to go through since the disastrous accident he had 2 years ago which is causing him to suffer with anterograde amnesia, a type of memory loss referring to a decreased ability to retain new information.

Every morning he wakes up, he will need to go to the big mirror in his bedroom to check on his to-do list that his mother prepared for him.

📝 After wake up

- Make bed
- Do some body stretching
- Have shower
- and the list goes on...


Sometimes he did not follow everything noted down on the list as he has a smart watch to help him organise his schedule. He wore it everyday since he got it from his personal doctor on his birthday last year. He only took it off once in a while as he depended on it whenever he goes outside.

While he was stretching his hands that morning, his smart watch on his wrist beeped a few times. He looked at it and saw a text from Chaeyoung, the psychiatrist who was hired by his mother to be his personal doctor.

Chaeyoung My Doctor: Good morning, Jungkook! Please wear nicely today! We're going out, I'll be there in 15 minutes. See you.

"She'll be here in 15 minutes? Gosh, I need to shower now!", Jungkook looked at the time before his eyes wandered around the bedroom to find his towel.


Chaeyoung checked the list she made last night for the last time as she arrived at the mansion of the Jeon's family.

"The Grand Park first and then, the mall-"

"Chaeyoung, we're here.", the Jeon's family driver, Bohyun said as he drove to park the car at the front porch.

"Ah, we're here. Thank you, oppa.", she replied as she put her organiser back inside her sling bag.

After she stepped out of the car, she breathed in and out as she usually does before she starts her work for the day.

"Mrs Jeon has left for work early today. You can head straight to Jungkook's room if you want. If you need anything, just call me. I'll be right there for you.", Bohyun told her as he stood at the corner of the porch.

Chaeyoung nodded with a smile before she excused herself to go inside the mansion. Walking inside, she met the butler, Jackson who greeted her while eating an energy bar at the living room. She greeted him back before asking if the head cook of the house has prepared breakfast or not. She had told the head cook to not make breakfast today but the older woman always will still make it too.

"She did. You two better eat first before you go out.", Jackson said as he tapped his full tummy with a smirk.

"Okay, oppa.", Chaeyoung said as she walked upstairs to go to Jungkook's bedroom.

The second floor of the mansion had four rooms including one for Chaeyoung when she has to stay if Mrs Jeon is not around. She was given a room opposite Jungkook's bedroom to easily assist him when needed. She rarely stays there as she did not want to get too attached to the family but she eventually got close with the Jeon's and the family's employees after almost two years working personally for Jungkook.

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