🃏 the joker and the queen 👸🏼

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And I know you could fall for a thousand kings
And hearts that could give you a diamond ring
When I fold, you see the best in me
The joker and the queen

🃏 × 👸

Roseanne Park's POV

"Will you marry me, Jeon Jungkook?", I smiled when I remembered the shocking event I created last night.

The way he went froze, speechless and surprised still can be seen clearly in my mind. I knew he did not expect it. I did not expect that I would do that too. It happened without planned and I did not even have a ring.

I chuckled as I opened my eyes at the thought of the unplanned proposal. I was going to wish a good morning to Jungkook but I found no one beside me. Where could he have gone to?

"Jungkook?", I called while making the bed and then, headed to the door.

I opened the door and there he is, sitting on the black sofa with his back facing me. He was watching the morning news. Oh, wait. It's not just any news but the news about us with the title 'Rosé Stuns the World on Bended Knee'.

I smiled before I approached behind him and encircled my arm around his neck.

"Good morning.", I said before I kissed his right cheek.

"Roseanne..", he took my hand and kissed the back of it before greeting me a good morning.

"When did you wake up?", I asked as I went to sit beside him.

He thought about it before answering, "An hour ago or two maybe."

I looked at the wall clock and my eyes widened.

"That's way too early.", I stated.

"To tell you the truth, I can't really sleep.", he replied as we were now watching the news switched to the award that we attended. "I still can't believe what happened.", he added as he smiled shyly to me.

"I told you I love you so many times. Do you not believe that?", I asked him as I held his hand.

Jungkook nodded, "I believe that. I just...still didn't expect you'd go that far last night."

I chuckled, "You always rejected me, I just can't take it anymore."

"But aren't you worried I might reject you again? In front of all the cameras?", he asked me.

I shook my head, "I know you won't do that."

Jungkook looked at me curiously, "How do you know I won't do that to you?"

I smiled, "I just knew it." There was no way I will tell him about the night I found him drunk at a small bar where he babbled about how he loved me but he cannot accept my love because he was a mere worker for me. Yes, he was working for me as my personal bodyguard.

"Chaeyoung...", he took my hand and brought it to his face. He looked at it for a while before caressing my ring finger softly. "Let's get you a ring today.", he said with a smile.

I returned the smile and nodded, "Let's get you one too."

He widened his eyes, "You already gave me."

I shook my head, "That's just an accessory I wore last night. Today I will get you the real engagement ring."

"No, I'll get the rings for both of us. That's the right way, Chaeyoung.", he replied as we both stood up from the sofa. "I'm the man and it's my responsibility.", he added as he turned off the TV.

I smiled as I blocked him from walking away.


"I like when you talk about responsibility.", I told him as I put my hands on his shoulders. "But I don't like you to get the rings all by yourself. Let me get one for you, you can get one for me.", I added as I stepped forward and pecked his lips.

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