😊 ghost 😊

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Jungkook wakes up that morning staring at the white ceiling until he gets startled with the sudden entrance of the two little angels into his bedroom. He smiles as they jump onto his bed occupying the empty space beside him. He watches them as they smile back at him and greets him cheerfully.

"Good morning, daddy!", the fraternal twins said in unison before their grandmother made appearance at the door.

"Chaehee, Younghoon, I told you two not to come in like that.", she says to the four years old twins. "You're scaring your daddy, kids.", she adds as she watches her son getting up from his bed.

He chuckles before he opens his arms wide to hug the children. Chaehee squeals in his left arm while Younghoon giggles at the contact of his stubble tickling his forehead. He kisses Younghoon on the forehead and before he could do the same to Chaehee, the girl stops him and points him to kiss her on her cheek instead.

Jungkook obliges and kisses both of her cheeks softly.

"Daddy, grandma said today is an important day.", Chaehee tells.

"Really?", he asks.

"Grandma said we're going out and you know where it is.", Younghoon chimes in.

With a frown forming on his forehead, he looks at his mother who is approaching them at the bed.

"Son, it's today.", she tells him. "Look at the date today.", she adds as she points to the calendar at the bedside table.

Jungkook moves to the corner of the bed and takes the calendar from the table.

"February...11.", he mutters.

His mother stands beside him and pokes at his hand, more precise at his ring finger. He looks at it and to the other fingers on his left hand. There are a few of tattoos that signify different meanings on them.

He looks again at the calendar and back to his ring finger. The date is the same but the year 1997 is included on his finger. February 11, 1997 is tattooed there with the word 'Chaeyoung's birthday' below it.

"Chaeyoung's birthday.", he says as he looks at the other fingers that has tattoos on them.

February 14, 2022
Our Wedding

Jungkook ♡ Chaeyoung

December 20, 2022
Chaehee & Younghoon are born

Chaehee + Younghoon

"You have plans with her today, right?", his mother asks him.

He puts the calendar and opens the drawer of the table. There are a few baby pink colored of books arranged neatly in there. He looks at the written titles on the front cover until he gets the one he wants.

"In here.", he says to his mother as he opens the book.

His mother smiles as he shows her the list of activities to do on Chaeyoung's birthday in the book.

"Go, get ready. I'll prepare the twins.", his mother says before he nods to her.

The twins leave the bedroom with their grandmother while Jungkook observes the list in the book. He smiles as he reads each of the words written in there. Apparently the books in the drawer were gifted to him by Chaeyoung. She gave it to him so he can note down everything he does everyday so that he has memories to look back to.

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