🌃 hard to love 🌃

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'Cause I'm hard to love, find it hard to trust
When it feels too good, I just fuck it up
You want all of me, I can't give that much
So don't fall too hard, 'cause I'm hard to love


When I saw her at my night club, I was curious about her as I have never seen her before. I am a business tycoon in Seoul who owns some night clubs and taverns across the country. I usually visit these places to monitor it by myself to keep the good name of my business.

That time I saw her going to the dance floor alone and dancing like no one is watching, I knew this girl might have been in some kind of bad situation to go to this night club alone like this. When I saw  a man trying to harass her, I went to help her out of the uncomfortable scene.

It was when she cried at the bar after that that I felt like she needed someone to vent so I went up to her with an intention to be a good listener, at the very least.

"What's your name?", I asked but the reply I got made my heart broke a little.

"You don't have to know me. I won't come here again."

I got worried as I watched her leave my night club walking staggeringly by herself.

"Boss, you should go after her.", Min-gue, my bartender said.

"You also think like that, right?", I asked him.

He smiled, "Go, she looked like she needed someone to accompany her."

"Okay, take care of the club.", I said before I ran towards the entrance to follow the unknown girl in black dress.

When I reached outside, I saw her getting into her car and it seemed like she continued crying through the half tinted car window.

"What is your story actually?", I got more and more curious of her.

When the headlights of her car turned on, I rushed to my car and decided to follow her. She was drunk- no she said she was tipsy. I should look out for her in her tipsy state. She should not drive by herself.

"Please don't get into an accident.", I prayed as I drove my car in a safe distance from hers.

As she reached the bridge near the Han River, she stopped her car at the roadside. At this point, my worry doubled just thinking of what she is going to do here. I parked my car just before it reached the bridge.

I watched her from here. She left her car and walked to the railings. I wanted to run to her but I was scared she might see me and acted without thinking after that. I needed to be quiet and careful.

"Don't do it.", I said as I watched her hands holding the railings.

I ran down to the edge of the bridge and waited there for anything that is going to happen. My eyes widen when her legs were on the other side of the bridge. No, she was not going to do this. I saw her looked up to the dark sky and seconds later, her body fell off the bridge.

"No! Stop!", I was unsure what to call her as I did not get her name.

As her body went into the water, I ran down as quick as I can before I dived without further ado into the river to save her.

That incident a year ago remained in my head until today. Everytime I saw her face not showing the happiness and smile that I adore, I will think of that day. It hurt me to see her unhappy.

Like right now, she was not smiling from the start of her performance at my tavern till the end of it. She had been working with me as a singer for four months after I persuaded her again and again to work here. She had great potential and I knew she could grow bigger starting from here. The audiences love her too, she always had the tavern full everytime she performed.

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