🔧the fixer🔧

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"Your car broke down?"

I still remember how her voice startled me in the middle of the deserted road.

I flinched in surprise, causing my head to hit the car hood.

"Ouch!", I hissed while turning around and stepping away from the car.

"It's daylight and I'm not a ghost, sir.", she said as she peeked at the car behind me.

I cleared my throat as I looked at the blonde girl in front of me. While rubbing the back of my head, I apologized for how I reacted to her unthought-of appearance. I told her that I did not see anyone around earlier and that she came in a complete silence here.

"Uh, I'm Jeon Jungkook, by the way.", I introduced myself after seeing her seemed to not giving much reaction at what I told her earlier.

"What's wrong with your car?", she proceeded to go to the car, leaving me dumbfounded at her for ignoring my handshake in the air.

"Uh...I'm not sure because it's not my car actually.", I said as I looked at what she was doing at the car.

"Not your car? Did you steal it from someone else then?", the unknown girl asked as she observed the engine, her eyes not leaving it at all as she spoke to me.

I shook my head immediately, "No, that's not what I mean. I mean...the car is my dad's car. I just came back from Seoul and never drove before. I just had to drive now since my dad couldn't after he-"

"Give me your car key.", the girl extended her hand, stopping me from talking abruptly.

"My..car key?"

She nodded, "I want to check what's wrong with your car unless you don't need my help, I'll leave you then."

My eyes widened as she took a step back from the car.

"No, wait-", I stopped talking as I looked at her crossing her arms in front of me.

She did not looked like she will leave me as she said.

"It's in there.", I pointed to where I left the car key at.

"Can I take it?", she asked.

"Yeah..sure.", I said as I looked at her turning around and walking to the driver's seat. "Do you know about cars, miss...", I tried to make a conversation as I followed her and stood beside the opened door as she sat on the driver's seat.

"Why? Do you think a girl like me doesn't know anything about cars?", she shot back while looking expressionlessly at me.

I felt bad instantly. I was just trying to create a normal conversation and maybe tried to find out her name but she...was very cold.

"I...didn't mean it like that. I just-"

She turned away from me as she tried to start the car. Growling noises are heard and the dash light flickered like how I tried to start the car before she came to help. I wondered if she can find out what was wrong with the old car.

"The starter's alright. Might be the battery.", she said as she got out and went back to the hood.

I watched her as she checked the engine.

"Something burning, is it?", I asked as I smelled the rubber burning.

"It's the alternator. You have to leave this car here. I'll get someone to come get it to be fixed. Where were you headed to?", she spoke while keeping the car key in her pocket.

I looked at her in disbelief. I thought she could help me. I better get back the car key before she can steal the car from me.

"Hello...Jeon Jungkook. Did you hear me?", she waved her hand in front of my face.

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