🔨 the fixer - chapter 2 🔨

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She's a fixer with no one to fix her
She's a lover who won't love herself
She's a heartbreak away from a horrible place
'Cause fixers never fix themselves


"Chaeyoung, what are you doing here?"

I looked at him in relief when I saw him open the door for me.

I was hoping that he would be the last person to be at the restaurant at this late hour so I could spend some time with him for the last time. When Uncle Hwang told me that Jungkook was going to leave tomorrow, I was shocked because Jungkook did not tell me anything about it. I did not know how long he will be leaving but I wish he would tell me about it.

"Chaeyoung?", his voice brought me back to look at him in the eye. "What are you doing out here at this hour?", he asked.

"I'm...", I did not prepare for this. "I'm cold.", what a lame reason...

"Cold?", he replied.

"Ye- Yeah.", so lame of me but I heard him laughing.

"You're always cold.", he said. "With me.", he added.

I stayed quiet at that. I could not deny it. It was a fact, he was right. For two years we knew each other, I was always cold with him. Since that first day I knew him near the bus stop.

"I'm sorry. You mean you're cold being out here, um, please, come in. It's snowing anyway, you shouldn't stay out at this hour, Chaeyoung.", he slowly pushed me inside while I hesitated to move.

"But you're closing-"

"Yeah, the restaurant's closed but it's okay if you want to stay for a while. I'll make you hot chocolate, okay?", he said after he locked the door of the restaurant. "It's snowing and it's cold. We better stay in. Plus, we have the heater here.", he smiled as he turned on the air heater and left to go to the kitchen at the back.

While waiting for him at the table, I was thinking of how to ask him about his departure tomorrow. What would he think if I bring it up before him? Would he tell me without me asking for it? If he tells me, how would I react as if I did not know it from someone else?

"Chaeyoung, here is your hot chocolate and...some cookies.", he came with a tray of cookie jar and two mugs of hot chocolates.

"Thanks.", I replied.

He smiled before looking out the window and hissed due to the freezing temperature, "It's quite cold tonight. Why were you out there? Shouldn't you be home already?"

I came here to see you, of course I could not say that out loud to him.

"Did you work overtime at the workshop?", he continued asking.

I nodded before trying to take a sip from the mug.


"Chaeyoung, be careful.", Jungkook took the mug from my hand and rubbed the corner of my lips with his thumb. "It's too hot, is it?", he asked while looking so concerned about me.

I held his hand and he froze.

Our eyes were glued to each other for a while before his phone made a noise interrupting us. He quickly pulled his hand and took his phone out of his pocket to answer the call he received.

"Yes, dad.", he turned around to speak to the phone. "No, not yet. I'm still at the restaurant. Why?", I watched him from the side. "Ah, okay. So, I can't come home now, is it?", is he blushing? "Okay, dad. Thanks for letting me know.", I looked away when he ended the call with his father.

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