🤐 things I'll never say 🤐

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I'm tugging at my hair
I'm pulling at my clothes
I'm trying to keep my cool
I know it shows
I'm staring at my feet
My cheeks are turning red
I'm searching for the words inside my head


"Anybody here got a crush on someone?", I asked to the crowd that was watching me on the small stage for my first ever book signing event.

I never expected that my writing career could be this big when I first started it. I was just trying to express myself into a paper hoping that I can forget about him. I did not know that writing a story about my ultimate crush would bring me to a series of Crushin'. Yeah, that's the series of young adult novel that I became known for.

I wrote about the first time I met my crush in a novel titled Crushin' On You which ended with him leaving the town without hearing my confession to him. I just wrote it in my blog and unexpectedly received a call from a publisher. I was only eighteen at that time, I just graduated high school half happy and half sad because my crush left me before the senior year.

Looking back to that first time I saw him, it was when he moved into my neighbourhood. Our houses were just separated by two other houses. I saw him when I was walking back from school.

I kept looking at the house that seemed busy from the view of it. There was a big lorry parked on the street where I saw two men moving a piano into the house. Then, I saw two elders probably husband and wife carrying boxes while yelling for someone. I was stunned when I saw the piano that I did not move from where I stood.

Unlucky for me, my right shoulder got hit by something hard and made me groaned in pain.

"Ooh, shit!", someone said as I rubbed my shoulder while stepping back from the thing that hit me.

It was the door of a car that attacked me.

"Hey, I'm sorry. Are you okay?", the person who opened the door that accidentally hit me asked as he stepped out of the car.

I looked up to see him and was speechless at how handsome he is. His face showed an honest concern towards me but my heart was thumping so much that my mind could not register my mouth to speak to him. I never seen such a handsome person at my age before and I strongly believe he is sixteen years old like me.

When he waved his hand in front of me, I blinked in surprise.

"Hello...I'm asking you. Are you alright?", he asked again.

I tried to nod and speak, "Hi, I- I'm-"

"Jeon Jungkook!!", suddenly someone shouted from the house stopping my words.

"Aish, hyung...um, hey, I'm really sorry. I hope you're okay. I have to go, bye!", the man that was worried of me said before he left.

"Jeon Jungkook..", somehow I liked his name and since then, I hoped to see him again.

If only I was not an introvert and shy person, maybe I can be his friend.

"She's such a loser!", said one of his friends who was also my classmate when he said he knew me as his neighbour.

Yes, I was a loser. I accepted that title given to me back then. I did not fight back to defend myself.

"Why did you let them call you that way?", Jungkook asked me when I was on my way home from the tuition class I had.

I did not know that he was walking close to me. I was a bit startled. I never expected he would talk to me after the incident with his friend.

"I know we never talked before but we're neighbours and classmates, Chaeyoung. Sooner or later, we will still going to communicate with each other.", he spoke as he bounced the basketball up and down the stoney path we were walking on.

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