VIXX ~ Ravi - Ice cream and quiet feelings

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         You sighed and slumped down in your chair, school barely started and you couldn't wait for it to be over already. You glanced at the clock at the corner of the classroom, the time read 9:45am. You groaned and laid your head on your desk. You had a sub this period but you weren't able to move seats to where all your friends were. You looked up to the sound of the door opening, in came a boy with red hair and the most adorable eyes.

       He wore the school uniform wrong, the pants looked styled for his body and his white button up uniform shirt was open to reveal a simple black t shirt underneath. The navy blue jacket fit him nicely and he wore the coolest sneakers.  He walked up to the sub and handed her a piece a paper. She looked over it, "I'm not the teacher, but there's no one sitting there." She pointed toward the seat next to yours. He nodded and slipped in next to you.

"Hey." He said quietly.

"Hey." You replied.

After a small pause, he began to talk again. "I'm Kim WonShik, but my friends call me Ravi." 

"Ravi? Hm, nice name. I'm _________." You answered.

"________?" He repeated.

     You nodded and smiled. He began to ask you questions about yourself and school. You informed him about the rules at your school, what places there is to hang out and etc. Ravi walked you to your next period which happened to be the class right next to his. You agreed to meet with him for lunch, but you were held up in class, trying to finish a major test. As you exited your last class you were startled by a boy with red hair. 

"You owe me!" Ravi whined.

"I owe you? Why?" You chuckled at his forced cuteness.

"You stood me up during lunch, I had to eat by myself, do you know ow embarrassing that is!" He exclaimed.

"Aww. I'm sorry." You smiled, feeling guilty. "So what do I owe you?"

"We're going to get ice cream!!" Ravi grabbed your hand and began to pull you out of school grounds and to the local ice cream place near by. You ordered and settled around a white small table. He ate his ice cream quietly, you ate your ice cream calmly enjoying your company. After a small conversation with Ravi and finishing your guys ice cream he walked you home.

"So you were actually planning on walking home alone?" Ravi said as you walked.

"Yeah, I walk home alone all the time." You said with a shrug.

"Well, from now on I'll walk you home." Ravi announced.

"There's no need, really. It's a small walk. See we're here already." You pointed at your house.

"Oh, um.. still. I want to walk you home. We get out late, and it's dangerous for you to be out alone in the dark." Ravi nodded and looked around.

"If you say so." You chuckled and pulled out your keys. "Well thanks Ravi, I had a good time." You waved with both hands before going back into the house and leaning on the door, feeling a blush come across your face. You sighed and bit your lip and thought about Ravi for the rest of the night.


        I watched her enter the house. I smiled brightly and began to walk back to the dorm rooms with the rest of VIXX. I kept thinking about her and how incredibly pretty she looked. I opened the door to the dorms to find the boys fooling around, either playing video games or arguing over who's going to cook dinner. I walked past them with a rather silly expression on my face, but I couldn't stop smiling because of her. Hongbin looked at me confused, "Whats with you, Ravi?"

      I smiled and looked at them before I closed the door of the rooms. "I met a girl." I smiled at their expressions and leaned on the closed door. I fell back on my bed and fell asleep anticipating another amazing day with her, you could say I'm at risk of falling in love with her.

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