MBLAQ ~ G.O. - Moving on

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  • Dedicated to Kassey

"You're absolutely crazy!" You half yell and half laugh to your boy friend, G.O. 

"Am I?" He grabs your waist and pulls you to him, again, only to attack you for the third time with tickles. You laugh really hard, that it leads to you gasping for air on the floor. You hold your sides from the pain. 

"Stop, please." You beg as you look up at him. G.O nods and steps away from you, he walks to the sofa and watches as you regain your breath. 

"Aish. " You sit up and ruffle your hair before you stand up. You sigh and sit next to G.O. You smile and look at him. His hair was styled nicely and he had on a sleeveless shirt on showing off his perfectly sculptured shoulders and biceps. He smiles sweetly at you, not showing any teeth but his perfect lips curved up beautifully. You chuckle softly and slump down into the couch. He wraps an arm around you and pulls you close to him. You curl up and lean your head on his chest. 

"Why are you so beautiful?" He asks you softly. 

You feel all your blood go to your face. You don't respond but you do smile even more, if that was possible. You feel those butterflies you felt the first day you saw him in that little music store. You recognized him from the start of being in the popular boy group MBLAQ. 


You walked into the little music shop you loved since they were the only store that was in walking distance from your apartment. You flipped through the CD's looking for some new music. You heard a sigh from someone in front of you so you looked up to see who was it. There was a man that stood there, he had his hood up, but when he ran his fingers through his hair it fell back. You let out a small gasp as you realized who he was. 


You stayed calm, but you couldn't hold back a small smile. You went back and looked for music but your eyes drifted back to him. He looked up at you, meeting your eyes. He smiled at you and you looked down. You found a CD you liked and decided to end your search. You walked over and paid for it. You were about to leave but someone caught your wrist and pulled you back. You turned around and were face to face with G.O. He smiled and tucked a strand of loose hair in back of your ear. 

"What's your name? I demand an explanation on why we haven't gone out yet." He asked. 

"Wow, very demanding, but I'm not that interested in a idol like you." You said playfully. 

"You will be, I'm Jung Byung Hee." He said. 

"I know your name." You said. 

"Well, what's your name?" 

"_________________" You smiled and took a step back, but he took a step forward and grabbed your hand as he slipped his fingers through yours. He smiled playfully and pulled you out of the store. 


You look up at him and smile. He smiles down at you, so you take this chance to wrap your arms around his neck and pull him towards you. Once your lips meet it's like little sparks start to fly. G.O moves you so you could be sitting on his lap, but he never breaks the kiss. You begin to kiss for a while until a vibration coming from his jean pocket. You giggle and  he ignores it, pulling you closer you him, kissing you hungrily, but his phone continues to ring. 

"You should answer it." You pull away. 

"No." He pulls you back to his lips. 

"Seriously G.O." You jump off his lap and grab his phone for him. The caller ID says a girls name. You look at it then to him. IT"S NOTHING, you tell yourself as you hand the phone over to him. He looks at it, jumps off the couch, walks to bathroom and shuts the door behind him. You look at the door confused. WHAT WAS THAT ALL ABOUT? You think to yourself. 

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