BIGBANG ~ Taeyang - I would never forget

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"Good morning!" You practically yelled into Taeyang's ear. He smiled, though he didn't open his eyes. You frowned and sat back down next to him. You watched as he tugged the blankets over his head and fell back asleep. "Taeyang-oppa! Wake up NOW!!!"

"Yah!" Taeyang said laughing. He attacked you with a hug. He pushed you on the bed and loomed over you. He trapped you, putting your hands over you head with one hand, the other was tracing your jaw line. He leaned down and kissed you. "Are you happy? I was so peacefully sleeping."

"Sorry, but I'm just really energetic today." You said smiling.

"Good, well I have to go to work. See you." He kissed your forehead and went to the bathroom.

You frowned and felt sad. "Is it possible that you forgot it was my birthday today?" You whispered to the room. You sighed and fell back to the bed. Taeyang came out of the bathroom wearing something new, he didn't bother to style his hair as he placed a hat over his head. You looked at him as he slipped his leather jacket on.

"Well, I'm off." He smiled and began to walk out of the room.

"Wait!" You sat up and looked at him. "Aren't you forgetting something?"

Taeyang gave you a confused expression, then it changed. "Oh, crap."

You smiled and waited for an apology.

"I almost forgot my watch!" He ran to the dresser and slipped his wrist watch on his hand. "Thanks." He kissed you lightly before exiting the apartment.

You looked at the door hoping he would come through, stating he was just kidding that it was just a joke but he never came through the door. You sighed and walked to the bathroom to change. As you slipped your jacket, you looked at the picture of you and Taeyang on the small desk next to the couch. Your eyes began to burn as you remember the day that picture was taken, that day happened to be your birthday. 

You sighed and blinked away the tears. This day shall be fun, you tell your self. You nodded and left the apartment. You tugged at the collar of your jacket was you decsended the steps. You looked at the street trying to figure out what to do for your birhtday.

You first went to your favorite coffee shop for breakfast. Then you went to the small local shops, entering each one even if they didn't take an interest in you. You bought small things for your self. You were about to head back home when your phone began to ring.

"Hello?" You said.

"Hey! Happy Birthday, how about I treat you to lunch! You up for it?" Your friend asked.

"Yeah, alright." You answered.

"Great, where do I pick you up?" She asked.

"Um, pick me up at the cafe I go to most of the time." You suggested.

"Alright, bye." She hanged up.

You walked back to the cafe and waited for you friend to arrive. She picked you up and treated you to lunch and dinner shortly after you both walked around Seoul. You two stopped at a local sweet shop. "He forgot my birthday." You said out of the blue.

"Excuse me?" She said.

"Taeyang," You said. "He forgot my birthday."

"Oh, don't say that." She tried to show the bright side.

"No, he did. Hell, I even asked him if he had forgotten something. He looked at me confused totally obvious to what today was." You sighed and rested your head on the palm of your head.

"Oh," She looked at her phone before responding, "Well, it's getting late, how about I take you home."

You friend drove you home, on the way there she tells you, she'll stay for a while to hang out before leaving. You walk up the steps and open the door. The apartment is pitch black. Taeyang is probably still at work you thought as you turned on the lights.


You stumbled back as what it seemed to be a hundred people were in yours and Taeyang's apartment. You looked at everyone, slowly you began to realize that these people were actually your friends. Taeyang was out in front, he smiled at you and hugged you.

"Happy Birthday sweetie." He kissed your forehead.

"But- I thought you forgot my birthday." You stumbled out.

"No way, I had to act like I forgot it, because I knew if I said something you would have wanted to go out and do something, but they needed me here. So I called your friend to entertain you. Forgive me if it seemed that  I forgot your birhtday." Taeyang said.

"I forgive you." You said as you looked around. "You really prepared all of this?"

"I had help." Taeyang said as he pointed to the other BIGBANG members. You smiled and walked over to them.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" The said at the same time.

"Thank you." You hugged each member.

You walked around the apartment thanking mostly everyone for coming. Taeyang wrapped his arms around your waist. You leaned back onto him. "This has to be the best gift you've ever given to me."

"Who says this was my gift to you?" Taeyang replied.

You frowned and turned around in his arms. "It's not?"

"Well, I did have the idea of this party but this is my present to you." Taeyang reached into his pocket and pulled out a ring on a chain. "It's a promise that one day, we'll make it official that we'll spend the rest of our lives together." He placed the chain around your neck.

You looked at the ring and then looked at him. "Alright, I'm mistaken. This is the best present you've ever given me." You grabbed him by the neck and pulled him to you and kissed him.

He pulled away and smiled. "Come on, you need to blow out your candles."

After you blow out your candles and ate cake and talked a little, slowly the guest began to leave. You and Taeyang threw yourselves on the fluffy couch. "I love that you threw me a surprise birthday party and all but, man it's just so trying. I'm beyond tried." You complained as you pulled your legs on top of his lap.

"I have to ask you, why on earth would you think that I would forget your birthday?" Taeyang asked you.

You shrugged. "You never said a thing in the morning I just thought-"

"No, look, _________. One I love you and I would never forget your birthday." Taeyang pulled you to him. "and second." He paused and looked into your eyes. His brown eyes were searching yours. "Second, that day for me was the best day of my life. Don't you remember? We met on your birthday. I asked you to be with me on your birthday. I'm asking you to be with me for the rest of our lives today. That's why I would never forget this date. It's because this day, reminds me of not just the day you were born but it reminds me of how you are mine."

You looked at him as you began to tear up. "I had no idea you felt that way."

"Well, now you know my heart." Taeyang placed his forehead on yours and he closed his eyes. "I love you, forever."

"Forever." You whispered back while you gripped on to the ring.

I would never forget this, what I have with you. Never will I ever forget .  .  .


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