SHINee ~ Jonghyun - It's so simple

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             Jonghyun wrapped his arms around my waist, making me stumble back into him. My back resting against his chest, which rose and fell softly. I smiled softy loving his touch, goosebumps rising on my skin, as his fingers traced my arms and hands. He was so gentle, so loving, never did he rush things. Slowly he turned me around to face him, a soft smile on his beautiful perfect lips.

"What?" My voice came out in a whisper, afraid of ruining this beautiful moment. Jonghyun soft shook his head, staring at me; he brought me closer, my hands on his chest and his arms tightly around my waist. He stayed silent, which killed me. Even without speaking a word did he make me feel like melting. All he did was stare back at me, his eyes boring into mine, as if trying to memorize every little angle and curve of my face. Hell that's what I was doing, memorizing his jawline, his nose, his perfect lush lips, his chin... dear god was this man perfect.

"What?" He replied sending chills down my spine. My eyes brighten at his voice. Now it was my turn to be speechless, guiding my hand along his face, gently taking his left cheek in my hand.

          Jonghyun leaned into it, closing his eyes softly. Gosh cold this moment get any better, I decided to make it change from better to freaking amazing, stepping on my tippy toes and gently, slowly kissing his lips. It was a small connection, lips barely brushing along each other. He shuttered and moved to me more, leaning down to kiss me fully. Smiling I wrapped my hands around the back of his neck, pulling him even more down to me never breaking the sweet, gentle kiss.

"A, let's do something today." Jonghyun whispered pulling away from me.

"What did you have in mind?" I asked staring back at him.

"Something, deeply romantic." Jonghyun chuckled, his chest vibrating out making myself giggle.

"I'm up for something like that." I nodded and slowly pulled away from Jonghyun. I had shorts on with an white blouse under a tan and red wool sweater. I hoped, as he lead me out of the apartment that this attire was fine for what activity we were going out to do.

          Jonghyun drove me out of the city, the building vanished and it was replaced with fields and the lovely country side. His hand took mine, interlocking fingers, his smiled without looking at me, his eyes glued on the road. Jonghyun was now so cautious about driving especially when I was in the vehicle  with him. I loved this about him, I knew I was so important to him, and oh how that made my heart soar.

       Jonghyun turned into a dirt road. I looked at him confused, what could be over here that Jonghyun thought was deeply romantic? I swallowed down the questions that were bubbling up in my mind, letting the soft music be the only thing auible on the car ride there. The road turned into a meadow, filled with different colored flowers, soft grass mixed in; yup this was definitely deeply romantic.

         Jonghyun parked and unbuckled his seat belt, taking his eyes on me again. "We're here." His crooked smile came out and I swear I nearly died. I've been with Jonghyun for a while now, how could he still have this effect on me? Really I don't think it'll ever go away, and to be completely honest I don't think I minded.

           I followed him out, immediately taking his hand once we met at the front of this car. Jonghyun smiled at me and then looked at the scenery. The beautiful mellow sun hit the meadow perfectly, illuminating everything. It was really a breath taking sight.

"A?" Jonghyun said looking at me, calling for my attention. I looked at him. He smiled and began to pull me to the meadow, walking backwards to look at me, his smile stretched more, showing me his full, heart melting smile. He placed me in the middle of the medow, held a finger up indicating to wait here. He jogged back to the car, turing it on and placed a song on. The soft melodic and romantic song began to slowly play around, the gentle wind carrying it around making it surround all over.

          He returned to my side and pulled me to him, his hand on my hip the other on our joined hands, sticking out in the air to the side. My heart beat increased in rate as we danced. My eyes were on him, suddenly they widened; he was singing, this voice that sent me to another world was singing to me. Oh gosh he's too perfect.

          Jonghyun and I stayed like this swaying back and forth. In the end he was laying down, his head resting on my lap, the flowers tickling our skin. I stroked his hair, playing with the bright blonde almost white strands. I smiled down at him again trying to memorize this perfection when he whispered something softly to me.

"I love you." He muttered, his eyes closed.

"Jonghyun?" I asked, confused whether he was asleep or not.

           His eyes fluttered open, a shy smile playing on his lips. "I love you." His voice, turned low and shy.

          I blushed deeply, covering my smile with the back of my hand. I couldn't help but giggle. He was the cutest thing ever and of course he's told me I love you before but this one felt like the first time all over again.

"I love you too Jonghyun." I replied smiling down at him.

         A satisfied smile on his lips, he closed his eyes again, moving his head to the side and he seemed to have fallen asleep. I chuckled lightly and continued to play with his hair. I smiled and looked up at the slowly setting sun, huh... how simple it was to say I love you to him now. Looking down at him I began to remember how nervous I felt when he whispered it to me, as we were cuddled up in his bed. Tangled limbs and his breath on my ear, his face nuzzled into the back of my shoulder, his strong arms wrapped around my upper arm, my back close to his chest. I was completely speechless, I could remember the feeling, and I could tell it took a lot our of him to say those three words by the way his chest rose and fell in an unevenly.

          I shifted back to the present and realized Jonghyun staring up at me. Blushing I looked away, but his index finger caught me, making me look back him. "Saranghae~" He whispered and leaned up to me, meeting him half way he pecked my lips.

"Saranghae~" He whispered again giving me a full kiss. "I can't say it enough...Saranghae." Jonghyun moved to sit up, locking eyes with me. "It's so simple now, but I can't express it enough how much I love you." He said, again he leaned in, but not to kiss me, but to rest his forehead on mine. We stayed in this position, loving how simple it was and loved never losing that feeling of excitement and nervousness. It was simple yet so perfect....

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