SuJu~ Ryeowook - Stuttering confessesions

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"You're truly driving me insane, I swear." Ryeowook laughed as he wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close. You let out a small laugh and kept walking with him holding on to you. Ryeowook and you were walking to the ice cream shop near your and his apartment. It has been a year since he confessed to you, and it's been three months since you moved in with him. Ryeowook was the best and you couldn't deny that.

         You entered the shop with your boyfriend following you closely. "So what will it be princess?" He asked leaning into you. "Um..." You thought about it for a while, looking at the flavors seeing which one you wanted, finally you told him your flavor of choice and waited for him to order to reserve a table. You smiled and watched your boyfriend talking with the guy at the counter until he handed over the treat to Ryeowook.

"What was the hold up?" You asked curious of what they were talking about.

"Hm? Oh, he asked if you were single and I was setting him straight about how you're all mine." Ryeowook leaned in and kiss you quickly. You blushed deeply and hit his head lightly yet you giggled. "You're such a dork." You took your ice cream from him and began to eat it happily.

          Ryeowook smiled at you and slowly began to eat his ice cream. You looked up at him and smiled. "You're so cute." He said leaning into you. Smiling you leaned in as well. "You are the perfect boyfriend Ryeowook." You kissed his nose, leaned back and continued eating your ice cream.

         He blushed and leaned back in his chair. "Well you know, I try." He chuckled at you as you rolled you eyes playfully. Ryeowook finished his ice cream quickly and waited for you to finish yours. "Can you eat any slower?" Ryeowook laughed. You pouted and then stuck your tongue out. "Be quiet. I'm sorry I can't inhale my ice cream  like you do." He chuckled lightly and leaned in from across the table, and watched you eat.

"What?" You asked as you noticed his stare. He suddenly turned red. "Huh? Oh, nothing." He shook his head and smiled. He looked to the side and let out a breath. You gave him a confused expression and decided to brush it off as you finally finished your ice cream.

        "Ready to go?" He asked.

       You nodded and threw away your trash and followed Ryeowook out side. It was dark already and it had gotten a little cold. You were annoyed by this, at the time you and Ryeowook entered the ice cream shop it was super hot, now it was slightly cold. Ryeowook held your hand as you both made your way home.

      "So you had a good time?" He asked shyly.

   You looked at him strange. "What are you up to? Why are you shy all of a sudden?"

"Am I that obvious?" He said with a smile. "Yeah." You replied, "So what's up?" You turned to walk back wards to look at his face. "Nu-nothing." He said looking away from you.

       You pouted and stopped him, walking up close to him. "Come on, tell me." You poked his stomach and gave him your cutest face. He groaned and kissed you forehead. "Sorry, but you're cute face won't work in this situation." Ryeowook continued to walk, which he pulled you to his side to walk with him. You sighed and didn't bring up his strange behavior, instead you began to make him laugh at your random conversation you started.

       Ryeowook paused you as you were in front of your apartment door. "I wanted to tell you something." He took in a deep breath. You stood in front of him, looking at him curious. He smiled slightly and ran his fingers through his hair before he continued to speak. "It's the reason why I've been acting.... strange." He looked at the ground. "I..." He grabbed you by the waist and pulled you to him. His forehead rested on yours and his breath tickled your face, but the situation was so surprising you were taken back.

         A few moments of silence was exchanged as you stared at his lips. "_______." He whispered, his breath became uneven and then he looked in your eyes. You met his gaze and stood so still to the point were you felt numb.

"______.... I ... I love you." Ryeowook whispered.

       Your eyes went wide and you could feel your heart begin to race. It was the first time Ryeowook has ever said that he loved you. Of course you had self conscious moments where you wondered why he hadn't said yet. That all didn't matter because he told you he loved you and you could tell in his eyes, the way they bore into yours, he meant it.

"I.. love you, too Ryeowook." You blushed.

       His lips turned up slightly before he leaned in, closing the space between your lips, giving you a passionate kiss.

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