SuJu~ Siwon - best friends, now much more . . .

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         You woke up to the sound of your phone ringing, annoyingly. You had slept late the night before since Siwon had just arrived from Japan and he needed a friend to pick him up from the airport. Well he didn't need, more like he wanted you to pick him up instead of the company van. You stretched out and reached for your phone to see a message from Siwon pop out on your screen.

'Hey, finished work early today. I have a free schedule. You want to go out for some lunch?'

    Lunch? What time was it? You thought as you looked at the little numbers on the corner of your phone. It read, 2:00 p.m. You groaned and yelled at yourself for sleeping in so late. You sighed and got dressed and replied to Siwon's message.

'Sure. (: what time? What place?' You didn't have to wait long for him to reply to your message.

'I'll pick you up, see you in twenty.'

     You read the text and waited for Siwon to pick you up. You and Siwon have been friends for a while now, and even though you fell for him on the spot he always kept you a distance away. You finally understood that you had been friend zoned by him, though deep down you have always hoped he would see you differently. You heard the familar honk of his car.  You walked outside and to his car.

"Hey." He said smiling as you entered the car.

"Hey. So where to?" You asked.

"Um. My place." Siwon smiled and pulled out of the drive way.

"Your place? What are we going to eat out after?" You asked confused.

"Of course not silly. I'm going to cook for you." Siwon chuckled and made his way to his apartment.

    You looked out the window feeling slightly confused. Of course you've been to Siwon's house, but it was weird to you that he was cooking for you.
"Oh. Alright." You muttered.


    Siwon made a huge lunch. Filling his large table with different kinds of food. You looked at the mass and already felt full. "Siwon, this is too much." You laughed. "Nah. Well come on." Siwon began to eat. You laughed and began to eat as well. As predicted Siwon and you weren't able to eat everything, so you both settled on the soft couch in his living room.

"Even though that was delicious, I don't think I can ever eat again." You joked.

"I agree." Siwon groaned and leaned back.

"And you're always telling me to take care of myself and my health. I don't think this is very healthy." You chuckled. "But the true reason why I brought you here, it's because I'm in love with this girl." He said slowly. You looked at him. "Really? Who?" You tried to hide how hurt you were with a small smile. "She's, she's a close friend. She's really amazing, nice and beautiful and really smart and funny." Siwon said looking at the ground. You toyed with your fingers. "Really? She's sounds amazing."

"She is. Her name is . . . _______." Siwon blurted out. You looked down since he said an unfamiliar girls name. She must be this unknown actress that is really pretty and her talent is over looked so she wasn't really famous. You started to create this perfect girl in your head thinking that must be the girl, who stole Siwon's heart. "That's great." Your eyes began to burn. "Well, um. I have to go." You stood up quickly and ran for the door.

"Wait, _______!" Siwon yelled for you, but you were too hurt to even look back. You were thankful that you had decided to bring a jacket since it was pouring outside. You began to walk to your house, you could feel your tears escaping your eyes and falling down your cheeks.

"___________! Wait!" You turned around to see Siwon running up to you.

"What?" You said softly.

"Why did you run out like that?" Siwon said.

     You looked away and bit you lip. It's now or never. You thought. "Because, I couldn't handle you talking about another girl. I really like you Siwon but that doesn't matter anymore." You cried out.
"What are you talking about? I love you as well." Siwon said, he pulled you to him and gently kissed you.You pushed him away. "What! How can you say that! You just told me you love another girl." You exclaimed. "I was talking about you. I thought you knew that." Siwon replied.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Cause when a guy tells the girl he likes he likes another girl that atomically makes the girl think that you're talking about her. Really, Siwon?" You exclaimed.

   He frowned. "I- I only said her name because it looked like you were actually happy for me. I didn't want to be the fool who's in love with their best friend." Siwon said. His eyes were showing you every emotion that he was going through and right now he was hurt beyond belief.

"That's what I've been going through for the past two years Siwon! I've always been in love with you, but I never showed it because you always acted as if we were siblings!" You could feel all the hurt you've been locking up swelling up inside of you. "I don't want to feel that way anymore." You said feeling all the hurt pour out. You began to sob. Siwon pulled you into a hug. "I'm sorry. I wish I hadn't made you go through that. _______, I love you and I never want you to doubt that again." Siwon held you to him tightly and your tears slowed. Siwon tilted your chin up and leaned close to you shielding your face from the rain. "Please, don't cry anymore."

    You looked up at him and found his lips again with yours. He kissed you back causing your insides to melt. He pulled away and held you under his arm as you ran back to his apartment and out of the rain.~ (:

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