B.A.P ~ Zelo - Will you be my Valentine?

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I arrived at school late, rushing to my classroom and taking my seat quickly before the teacher called role. I smiled and admired my timing as my teacher pulled out the list of names.

"Just on time _______." A friend of mine said as she slipped next to me.

"I know." I breathed and looked up to see the date on the board.

2/14/13 ... Valentine's Day ... huh.

I smiled and pulled out my notebook, because really it was like another day, though I wished the one boy I liked would give me something. I sighed and stole a glance at him. He sits in front at the corner. His now black hair was down and he was looking into his notebook.

"Yah, stop looking at Zelo." My friend laughed as she hit my arm. I blushed and looked down trying to hide my face.


Zelo's P.O.V :

I held the bear close to me, gaining little glances from all the girls I passed by which as odd. I looked around the hall way to see if the coast was clear to run to my locker to stuff the bear inside.

"What do you got there?" I heard YongGuk's voice behind me.

"Huh? Oh, nothing." I quickly closed my locker and gave him a sheepish smile.

"Nothing huh? Then what's with the teddy bear in your locker?" YongGuk smiled and raised his eyebrows. I smiled nervously and scratched the back of my head. "I-It's for someone." I said slowly.

"You mean that girl that you stare at all the time?" He teased.

I could feel my cheeks turn red. "How do you know I stare at her all the time?" I asked foolishly.

"Oh, Zelo." YongGuk laughed. "It's really obvious, but I'll see you later. I got to get to class." He walked away smiling. 

I sighed and walked into my classroom. I didn't dare look at her as she rushed into the classroom and took her seat. I smiled as I saw her breathe out in relief as she saw that she made it in just in time. Then a thought popped into my head, what if she doesn't feel the same way that I feel for her? This love I feel for her was dangerous, I'm at risk of a heartbreak if she rejects me. I shouldn't give the bear to her...

I was walking to her locker when I saw her walking in the opposite driection I was, I had the teddy bear in my hands, this should be the part where I was suppose to finally give it to her but something held me back. I paused, panicked and turned away quickly and made a run for it. I stopped once I thought I was far enough away, I leaned on a random wall and let out a breath of air.

"What's with you?" I looked up at Himchan. I shook my head and sighed.
"I tried to give to her, but I panicked." I said. Himchan smiled and grabbed my arm. We met up with the rest of the boys. Daehyun smiled and pointed at her. She was at her locker, putting all of her belongings inside. "Oh no." I turned away, trying to make an escape, but Jongup held me back.

My heart began to race as she closed her locker and began to walk towards our direction.

"Hey, excuse me!" I heard Youngjae say.

She looked at him. "Uh, yeah?" She approached us.

"Our friend needs to give you something." Jongup said as he pushed me forward that I almost stumbled into her. She took a couple of steps back. I smiled and hid the bear in back of me. I turned towards the boys and gave them a look. They slowly understood that I wanted them to leave. Soon it was just me and her.

"Hey." She said shyly.

"H-hey." I stuttered. "Um.. I- I wanted to give you this..." I pulled out the bear and handed it to her. She looked at the bear with wide adorable eyes. "Oh, wow. Thank you." She took the bear into her own hands.

I chuckled. "Happy Valentine's Day."

"Happy Valentine's Day." She giggled and hugged the bear tightly.

"So, will you be my Valentine?" I asked.

She nodded.

"_________ !! COME ON!!" She turned around to see her friend at the end of the hall.

"Going!" She called back, she turned towards me. "Thanks Zelo."

... She knows my name? I stared at her with wide eyes. _______, my secret crush, who I thought never knew I even existed knows my name. I smiled and couldn't believe that this was actually happening...

She then stood on her toes to kiss my lightly on the cheek. My eyes flew wide open and I stood there frozen. "Bye, Zelo." She smiled and ran to her friend.

Did that... oh man..

I smiled and walked back to the boys who were crowded around the wall perpendicular to the wall me and ___________ were at. I smiled at the them, as they gave me warm smiles and small pats on the back. I turned back to see if ________ was there, and she was. She was giggling with her friend not noticing how I was staring at her. But then she turned to me and gave a small smile. I smiled back, I love Valentine's Day, especially when I have a Valentine like her ~ (:

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