Btob ~ Hyunsik - It's good to hear from you again...

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The beginning ~

"Just go ask her out, she'll say yes." Minhyuk said giving Hyunsik a slight push. You were looking down at your ipod, under a tree enjoying the shade. It was really nice outside, the slight breeze brushed under your hair and the soft green grass under neath you provided some sort of comfort.

"What if she says no." Hyunsik pointed out.

"She won't..." Minhyuk said giving him another push towards you.

"Yah- Yah. I'm going." Hyunsik sighed, fixed his shirt, pulled his cap off, fixing his hair and positioned the cap back on his head perfectly. He took a shaky breath and approached you.

"_________." He stuttered out, his small smile came out as you looked up at him. Your smile brightened and you could feel your heart speed up. You had no idea why Hyunsik was coming up to talk to you, but all you could think was how lucky you were.

         Hyunsik wasn't just the cutest guy at your school but he was the sweetest. His friends and him were all good looking and happened to be sweet hearts. None of them had girls friends but the all the girls on campus wanted them.

"Hey, Hyunsik." You said taking off the other ear phone you had on. "What's up?"

"Um... " He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck, a shy smile on his lips. He sighed and took a place next to you. "I know this is kinda straight forward, since we haven't really talked much besides Lab class but.... I really think you're pretty and I don't want to see you with any other guy...So... __________? Would you be my girl friend?"

        You took a moment to respond. "Be...your...? Of course." You said giggling.

"No that's okay I mean- Wait... you said yes?" Hyunsik looked at you his eyes staring at you.

"Uh.. yeah.. I did." You laughed lightly.

"Oh.. I.." Hyunsik blushed and nodded. "Alright ______. From now on you're mine."

       4 months in the relationship~

"Yah!" You laughed and held onto Hyunsiks arms as he hugged you from behind and twirled you around.

"Give up! I caught you! Now you owe me." Hyunsik said into your ear, gaining chills to drop down your back.

"Yah, fine. What does Oppa want in return for winning?" You asked looking at him.

"This~" He muttered before crashing his lips on yours in a heated kiss. You smiled and turned around, still in his arm and kissed him back. He was the sweetest boyfriend and things rarely got this intimate which you liked. He wanted to take things slow and you loved it.

       9 months into the relationship~

"Yah, I'm so bored." You said laying on your back. Hyunsik had taken you out for a nice date at the park. Your apartment was getting to you, but laying here doing the same thing you were doing in your apartment didn't really suit you well, even with your handsome boy friend at your side. Hyunsik hadn't said a word the entire time and it was starting to get on your nerves.

      You were about to tell him off, when you noticed his hands shaking and his breathing was a little uneven. You began to worry, sitting up, you touched his arm.

"Babe? Are you alright?" You asked.

"I'm fine.. I just..." He swallowed hard and wouldn't met your eyes. He chuckled and his regular smile that you loved came out.

"You sure?" You asked.

"Mmhm." He nodded and sighed.

"Okay...anyways it's so boring here. I want to do something. I was just doing the exact same thing at my apartment!" You complained.

"Fine, then why don't we go back and pack your things.." Hyunsik siad.

"Huh? What for?" You looked at him confused.

"Because I want you to move in with me..." He said and quickly looked away.

         Oh gosh, you couldn't have gotten a cuter boy friend. You smiled and moved so he could look at you. "You mean that Hyunsik?"

          He managed a nod before you could pull him by the collar of his shirt and kiss him. "We need to leave then, I have a lot of things. I don't know how we're going to fit in your apartment." You giggled and pulled the starstruck Hyunsik along with you to your apartment.

        2 years into the relationship~

       You sighed and looked at Hyunsik, he laid on the couch, flipping through the channels, a blank expression on his face. You rolled your eyes annoyed with him, since he had left to Japan for a while and this was his first day back, and he hadn't talked to you at all. Of course you felt like crying since you loved him so much and the lack of communication was driving you insane, but you couldn't say anything.

        Hyunsik sighed and turned off the T.V, stood up and walked over to the jacket rack. He looked at you, both of you meeting eyes for the first time as he placed a jacket on. He sighed, looked away and slipped his shoes on. He went for the door, his hand on the knob, your burning eyes watching him, he shook his head and turned around to face you.

        By the time he walked up to you, you were crying. The hopeless tears streaming down your face. He sighed and pulled you to him, hugging you tightly. Your arms wrapped around his waist and held on to him.

"I'm sorry." He said, his voice low and broken. It was like the time he told you the kitten he had gotten you had gotten a sickness and there was no cure. That was the same voice he used to tell you that they had to put her down. The voice of gentleness. He kissed your forehead before walking away and out the door, leaving you to cry on the cold floor.

          2 years and 6 months in the relationship~

        This was it.... this was what you were waiting for. Hyunsik's tried face looking at you with gentle eyes. He was the sweetest guy ever so breaking up with you wasn't the easiest task he had to do, but hell someone needed to break off this suffocating relationship. For the past months, things between you two weren't the best. It was like you two were room mates inside of lovers.

"I want a break.... and I can tell you want one two.." Hyunsik said, his voice low and gentle.

"I know." You muttered with a small nod. Though things weren't going great you still loved him. It was hurting to let go, but knew it was necessary.

"I love you... but this..." Hyunsik sighed.

"You don't have to explain... I'll move out tomorrow..." You said but he cut you off.

"No, I'm going to move out. The dorms at Cube are open remember? It'll be better for me to move out." He nodded.

"And for me to live in your old apartment? No thank you." You said.

"He sighed, "At least let me help you-"

"No, I'm fine." You said a little to harsh. He shrunk back and his eyes broke the gentleness they had, his eyes were red, and glassy like as if in any moment he was going to break down and cry. You bit down on your lower lip and sighed.

"I guess... I'll leave first... bye.." You voice broke a damn sob escaped your lips. You heard him call out for you but you ignored his plea for you to come back as you shut the door and walked to the elevator. Only in the privacy of the elevator did you cry.

         7 months later~

       He sighed and removed his cap, placing it next to the picture frame of him and his current girlfriend. He smiled weakly and shook his head, trying to get the image of you out of his head. It was hopeless, though the break up was over 7 months ago, his heart still lingered to hear your voice at least one last time.

       His phone began to ring, startling him. With a shaking hand he recognized your number on his screen. Before this number was labeled as "My Cutie :3 <3 " and a picture of you would pop out. Now all there was a black screen with a number laid out. His heart raced and he looked behind him, his girl friend was sleeping peacefully on their bed that they now shared. He carefully answered the phone, and he almost broke down when he heard your voice on the other line.

"________." He whispered.

"Am I bothering you?" You asked.

"No, no. She's sleeping. That's why I'm whispering... is something wrong?" Hyunsik asked, showing his concern.

"No, nothing's wrong... I just...I.. I miss you Hyunsik." You muttered.

"I miss you too ________." Hyunsik said, he stole a glance back at the sleeping girl and saw she was still in her deep slumber. He smiled and looked back.

"I guess it's pretty foolish of me to call when you're with her, huh?" You said.

"No, I really wanted to hear you're voice. You sound like you're doing well." Hyunsik nodded, his voice gentle.

"Yeah, I guess." You replied.

       Hyunsik sighed and began to hear his girl friend stir. "__________. I have to go, she's going to wake up any second."

       He broke when he heard you sigh. "I understand, bye Hyun-"

"I love you ________. I miss you and there isn't a day that I don't wish she was you. Bye __________." Hyunsik breathed and with out another word hanged up.

         You sighed, tears slowly escaped your eyes. You wanted Hyunsik to be here with you now, but you and him was something of the past. Your time together has ended, though it seemed it was like both of you couldn't except that fact, it was set in stone. It wasn't like you two could drop everything you had and go back. The risk was too great, your love for each other, though strong seemed to fade away just as fast as it came. Maybe you both missed the great memories, the old days. Or maybe it was something else entirely...

"Jagiya? You okay?" Luhan asked as he wiped your tears away.

"Huh? Oh. mmm." You nodded and smiled showing your boy friend you were fine, though deep down you weren't. Luhan smiled at you weakly and held you. He was such a great boy friend, so many times has he held you as you cried for another man. Another night of crying for Hyunsik and you hated it. Finally realizing what was in front of you and what you had, you stopped crying. Snuggling into bed with Luhan you began to think that though it was nice to hear from Hyunsik again, it was time to move on . . .

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