Block B ~ Ukwon - Happy Birthday ^-^

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         You smiled and knocked on the door of his dorm room. Excited, you bit down on your lower lip, a thing you did often. A smiling face greeted you at the door. "Babe? What happened?" Ukwon asked bringing you into his arms.

"Did you not want to see me?" You asked pouting.

"No, it's a pleasant surprise. We have the dorm to our selves. Kyung and Zico went out a a date and the others left to hang out." Ukwon chuckled.

"Aww those boys are so cute together. Such close best friends Zico and Kyung." You said thinking of the two boys.

      Ukwon chuckled. "It's how close me and Minhyuk are."
     You nodded and looked at him. He hadn't let you in so you looked at the living room then to him. "Oh! Right." He chuckled and opened the door enough for you to come in.

"So no ones here?" You asked looking around.

"Nope." Ukwon smiled and leaned on the table. "What's that you're holding?"

"Hm? OH! This?" You held up the bad you were holding. Ukwon nodded and smirked.

"Oh this is for you." You handed him the bag and took a couple of steps back.

"What for?" Ukwon asked and looked into the bag. His eyes lit up and shook his head. "I can't accept this. No. What is this even for?"

"Happy Birthday!" You chimed cutely.

"Happy-? __________! My birthday was like two months ago." Ukwon chuckled.

"I know, but we weren't going out then, and I din't know it was your birthday, I wanted to say sorry and to make it up to you." You nodded and held your hands together.

"Babe." He smiled and walked up to you, grabbing your face with his hands and kissing you gently. "Being with you is enough, I got my birthday wish. You didn't have to get me anything." He mumbled before kiss you again.

"I know, but I really wanted to get it for you." You replied and wrapped your arms around his neck, pullig him closer to you.

       Ukwon shook his head slowly, placed the gift on the small table next us and tightly wrapped his arms around you. "I don't want anything but you, silly." He nuzzled his head into your neck, giving it small kisses. Your heart began to race and you tugged your fingers through his bright red hair. Ukwon was the perfect boyfriend, romantic, loving, sweet and ultimately really sexy.

You pulled away, his pout came out from the lost of connection from your body. You giggled and walked away and to the bag, taking out a small cake under neath the gift.

"And a cake? Babe, this is too much." Ukwon said giving you a back hug, his chin resting gently on your shoulder.

     You shook your head. "Stop it, really I wanted to make up for missing your birthday." You placed the candles in and took out your lighter. Ukwon sighed and let you out of his grasp and leaned forward on the table. You turned the candles on and looked at Ukwon.

"Happy birthday!" You softly yelled, pushing the lighted cake to him. Chuckling he stared at you for a moment before blowing out the candles. You happily clapped and hugged him, giving him a peck on the cheek. Ukwon's arms snaked around you, not allowing you to attend to the cake. He turned you in his arms, both foreheads touching in a gentle moment.

"Babe... I love you." Ukwon whispered, taking your breath away.

"I- I love-"

"UKWON WE'RE HOME!!" You pushed him away once you heard Minhyuk's voice along with 5 other boyish voices. You smiled at Ukwon's annoyed expression as the boys of Block B came through the door.

"Yah! ________!? You brought cake!? YES!!" Jihoon laughed and sat down, cutting himself a piece.

"Were we interrupting something?" Taeil asked noticing Ukwon's expression.



      You hit Ukwon lightly for answering yes. You shook your head and ran your fingers through the youngest boy Jihoon who was smiling happily eating his piece of cake. "Don't mind Ukwon."

"So... we can get some?" Jiho asked giving you puppy eyes.

       You nodded serving all the boys cake. Ukwon groaned loudly glaring at the 6 cute boys. "You know ________ and I were in the middle of something, just because she's a nice girl doesn't mean I'm not going to keep my mouth shut. You guys are going to hear it when she's gone." Ukwon growled.

"Yah! Leave them alone." You giggled touching his cheek and kissing it lightly. Ukwon sighed and whined, "At least leave me some of MY birthday cake!" He took a seat next to Minhyuk and ate off his plate. Smiling you looked at the 7 boys who were interacting peacefully, laughing and joking with each other. You could get use to this. Nodding you sat on Ukwon's lap and kissed his cheek slowly.

"Happy Birthday Ukwon, I love you so much." You whispered with a low voice and layed your head on his shoulder. You could feel him tighten his grip on your waist, pulling you in closer, knowing that little gesture meant he felt the same way.

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