Btob ~ Minhyuk - I love you either way

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"Are you sure these are perfect?" You asked your friend as you stared at the black high heels in the mirror, seeing how they looked on you.

"They are." Your friend nodded with a smile. "I like them, and I bet Minhyuk would love them even more." She teased.

         You rolled your eyes, yet smiled. In your head there was a raging argument which meant that maybe these heels weren't for you, but then again your friend had a point. Minhyuk had towered over you and the added height on your part would be so much better, you could use the heels for the events Minhyuk would take you to.

"Hm.." You turned seeing the height, it was adding at least 5 inches to you. Since heels have been on your eye since you've been with Minhyuk, you've learned how to walk well in them, so 5 inches was nothing to you. "I'm still second guessing myself." You muttered.

"Oh, gosh those are to die for." The women who worked there beamed. She gave you a smile, but her eyes read, 'just buy the stupid things and get out'. You wanted to laugh at her expression but you held it in. "I'll take them." You responded slipping off the heels and slipping your 4 inch heels on.

"Great. I'll get them wrapped up for you." The women said taking the shoe box away from you.

"They are going to look great but wait, didn't you say that you needed heels for Minhyuk's party at Cube ent?" Your friend said.

"Oh gosh! Yes! I still need to buy a dress for that event. It's suppose to be big, all the idols of Cube ent are going to attend." You let out a nervous sigh. It was a big step in your relationship with big idol Minhyuk from Btob. Not as big as the day you met his parents but pretty darn close.

         You and your friend went on the search for the perfect dress, finally settling on a pink dress that had a cute ruffle drooping down horizontal from your shoulder to the hem of the dress. It reached you mid tigh and it seemed appropriate for the event.

"I'll see you _________! I got to go." Your friend said and walked away.

      You nodded and walked back to your car, throwing your things in the back and you sat in the car for a moment. With a frustrated sigh, you kicked off the heels, threw them on the passenger side seat and slipped on some black slip on vans. You wearing something casual, white shorts with a cute blouse, so the vans added a more comfortable vide. You smiled in comfort. Though you wore heels every day you hated them.

              For Minhyuk... For Minhyuk ...
            With a sigh you drove to your apartment. Taking your purchases, and high heels in one hand, you walked to the door of your apartment complex. You smiled thankfully at the man at the door for opening it for you. Making your way to your room, your phone began to ring. You dropped the things inside your apartment, and rushed in to your purse to answer the call. A sleepy boy was on the screen, a selca of your adorable boyfriend before bed, smiling you answered.

"Hey!" You said, your voice bright and loving.

"Hey beautiful! How's my girl doing?" Minyuk asked.

"Your girl is so tried!" You mumbled and fell face first on your bed, taking in the comfort of the sheets and cushion under your body.

               You heard him let out a chuckle, which sent a smile on your face. His laugh was the cutest thing ever, like a sweet melody you would never get tried of.

"Cute, I'll go over tomorrow. I'm staying at the dorms tonight. So much work to do. See you Jagiya. Love you." He mumbled.

"Night, sleep well Minhyukie." You hanged up and didn't bother to change into pajamas. Instead you crawled under the covers and fell asleep, the exhaustion taking over your body claiming you into a dreamless sleep.

"Wow! My Jagiya is such a pretty sleeper." Minhyuk said.

          You smiled and sat up, waking up from your slumber. Minhyuk was sitting next to you. His bright smile melted you insides. "You're here early!"

"I couldn't wait to see you." He said handing you a mug of coffee. You smiled and took the mug into your hands, loving the warmth, since it was freezing in your apartment. Minhyuk waited for you in the living room as you got ready, picking out a cute outfit and heels. You smiled and walked out. Minhyuk looked at you from head to toe, he looked annoyed for a second. Before you could ask him about it, he stood up and walked out. With a sigh you followed him.

"So where are we going to?" You asked, holding onto his arm as you both walked down the sidewalk.

"No where in particular. Lets just look around, spend some alone time before the party today." Minhyuk said with a smile. You giggled at his thoughtfulness and kissed his cheek easily. Thank you 4 inch heels.

        After the small date, you both returned back to the apartment to get ready. Minhyuk had brought over his suit and got ready. You pulled on the dress and styled your hair they way you loved most. You grabbed a simple bag that matched your dress perfectly, and last you slipped on your 5 inch high heels that you had just bought. Smiling you met up with Minhyuk in the front.

"Finished?" He asked smiling.
      You nodded.

      Minhyuk and You left for the event. It was lots of fun, the people he introduced you to were really nice, the boys all missed you, which meant the over talking during dinner. Hyunsik laughed at your high heels, and how you reached his height with them on. Ilhoon said you looked incredible with them on. All the boys joked with your height, yet stated you looked stunning, gaining Minhyuk to be jealous. He shut the boys up quick and held your hand tightly under the dinner table.

      You sighed and walked down the street to Minhyuk's car in pain. Your feet were killing you, the heels had to come off soon. You slumped in, removing them on the spot and slipping on your black slip on vans. Minhyuk chuckled and placed the key in the ignition but didn't turn the car on.

"________?" He called your attention.

"Yeah?" You said with a smile.

"Why do you wear heels?" He asked.

"Hm?" It was the weirdest question he's ever asked you. "Why I wear them?"

       He nodded.

"I thought you liked me with heels." You pouted regretting the 70 dollar new heels that were now placed on the side. Your feet comfortably in your sneakers.

"I do... but you seem so uncomfortable. Love, I like your height. I like that you're shorter than me. Just wear flat shoes from now on Jagiya." Minhyuk said.

"But Minhyuk-"

       He shook his head. "Let's continue this when we get home." He cut you off and drove you back to your apartment. All this time Minhyuk hated you with heels. When you wore them you reached his nose, perfect height. Without heels you reached his shoulder, your ear right on his chest. Once you entered the apartment, Minhyuk went to your room and came back with a bag.

"Open it love." He said.

"What is this?" You asked as you opened the shopping bag. A pair of black ballet flats was inside. So he really did hate heels on you, enough to go make him buy a pair of ballet shoes for you.

"You look so uncomfortable with those heels on. Why don't you wear these now? It doesn't matter that your a few centimeters shorter." Minhyuk pulled you to him. "I love you this way." He kissed your head and smiled.

       It wasn't that he hated the look on you, he hated the look of exhaustion you had whenever you got back from long dates, the pained expression you had when the heels were new and you had to walk in them on your strolls with Minhyuk, he hated how you two weren't able to take silly runs around, because of your heels. Though he was 23 years old, he still wanted to have fun like any other teen aged boy.

"And this way, I won't have to fight off my band mates from you." He chuckled pulling away to look at you.

      You laughed, stepped up on your toes and kissed him. "I love you Minhyuk~"

       Minhyuk smiled, "I love you, too Jagiya. I love you when you wake up and have crazy hair. I love you when you get so mad at me. I love you when you make no sense and demand that you're right. I love you when you get on my nerves. I love you either way." Minhyuk whispered. "With or without heels." Minhyuk looked at you and closed the space between you two, colliding his lips with yours. Either way Minhyuk loved you and that's all that really mattered.

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