Big Bang ~ GD - Can't stand it

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  • Dedicated to Kerri Chen


"So when are you coming back?" You asked as you walked around your apartment. You were on the phone talking to your boyfriend. 

"I don't know, I'll tell you when I find out, alright? I have to go, I'm needed." He said simply. 

You sighed but understood. You knew from the start that this relationship was going to be hard, but until now you never understood how hard. Dating an international star, like GD wasn't easy but you loved him enough to stick around through the up and the downs. 

"Alright, I understand." You said. 

"Alright, bye." Before you responded he hanged up. You looked at your screen and stared at it in disbelief that he had just hanged up on you. You let out a frustrated sigh and threw your phone on the sofa next to you. 

You decided not hurt over it, there was no point in getting mad over a stupid thing like that. Instead you settled back on the couch and watched T.V. till your phone rang. You leaned to the side and grabbed you phone. 

"Hello?" You answered. 

"Hey, ________!" A boy said on the other line. 

You rolled your eyes, it was your ex. He had been calling all day, and you finally had enough and decided to answer. 

"_______, stop calling me." You said. 

"Oh, come one, babe. Don't be like that." He sounded drunk. "Open your door." 

You frowned, turned around and looked out the window. It was pouring outside, and you could barely see a figure by your door. You sighed and hanged up on him. You sat there debating weather to open the door or not. If GD came home early, he would surely ask why he was here, but you couldn't let your ex stand out there in the cold. You stood up and went for the door, you placed a hand on the knob and stopped. 

Why should I care if he gets cold? You thought. But I just can't leave him there, I can just leave in the bathroom till he sobers up a bit then throw him out. You started to argue with yourself, for another minute, till you decided to let him in. 

Your ex stumbled in, he wrapped his wet arms around you, and forcefully kiss you. You immediately regretted letting him in but he's hammered. You pulled away disgusted and hauled into the bathroom. You laid him in the bathtub and wrapped a towel around him, he fell asleep while he mumbled your name. 

He still loves you. 

You sighed and closed the door behind you and went to your and GD's room to change. You slipped on shorts and a long shirt, and threw your wet clothes to the corner to exhausted to put them to dry. 

You walked back to living room and settled on the couch. You were drifting off into slumber when you felt arms wrap around your body. The person lifted you off the couch and carried you to your room. The person laid you on your bed, softly. You mumbled JiYong's name that questioned whether it was him or not but you didn't get a response. 

You felt the person slip in next to you, before you knew it you drifted off to sleep. 

 GD'S P.O.V. : 

"See you next week JiYong." My manager called after me. I nodded and laid my head on the desk, I was writing a new song but nothing new came to mind. "I'm finished." I thought out loud as I gathered my stuff. Time to see Jagiya! I smiled and started to think abut her soft hair and her beautiful smile. The thought of having her in my arms soon made me smile. Stuffing my things in my back pack, I walked out of the studio and made my way to the building's parking lot. I decided to call her to tell her I was going to be home early, surely she'll be happy. Her phone went straight to voice mail. I frowned and threw the phone on the passenger side seat as I got into my car. As I made my way out of the parking lot, I realized it was pouring. 

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