BIGBANG ~ T.O.P - My gentle Flower

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              You arrived at the concert, excitement running through your veins and the anticipation of seeing the man that drove you to the edge of insanity as killing you. You smiled nervously as you handed  the ticket to the man at the gates."Here you go, have a good time." He said as he handed the ticket back to your shaky hands. You nodded and tucked the ticket back into your bag and made your way to where the V.I.P section was. You were glad that you had arrived early to the BIGBANG concert since there was barely anyone in the V.I.P section.

      As you choose a spot to stand, you felt even more excited since you were pleased with how close you were. You placed a hand on the stage and smiled brightly. In a couple of hours you'll be in arms reach of the handsome, amazing Choi Seunghyun who also went by T.O.P. You giggled at the thought of his dorkyness and his lovable laugh. This would happen to you often, giggling uncontrollably because you would think of this man and his lovable, perfect features.

    The excitement in the arena began to grow as the time of the concert came. Screams and crys of joy erupted when the lights turn off and the music began. You jumped up and down and moved your yellow glow stick with the waves of the beautiful sea that formed. The 5 members of BIGBANG came out and that's when it got crazy. Fans began to scream louder and louder as each of the members began to sing. Each member gaining the yells from their admires. You screamed with everything you had as T.O.P rapped his part in Still Alive.

      You couldn't believe he was a couple yards away from you, his outfit fit him perfectly and he looked so amazing that your breath got caught in your throat. As they preformed their next song, Bad boy you could feel someone watching you. To your surprise, you locked eyes with T.O.P. You hadn't noticed his small gazes since you temporarily looked at the other 4 members. You could feel your face grow hot and the sudden thoughts of  ' is he looking at me?' popped into your head.

       It was like slow motion as he made his way towards you, as if in a cheesy romantic movie, the audience began to fade away and you and T.O.P were the only ones in this colossal arena. He stood in front of you and smiled. His intense beautiful eyes never left yours. You slowly dropped your hand that you held up. Your heart began to race to what it seemed a million hours per minute. Once he walked away, everything came back to you, hitting you like a train. You were at a BIGBANG enjoying their presence just like the other hundreds of people in here with you. It wasn't just you and T.O.P anymore. That moment had disappeared just as quickly as if came. You blinked a couple of times before you shook your head and continued to do what you were doing before T.O.P came came up to you. The next song came up, Ain't no fun, the band members danced around the stage to the song.

       You laughed as you spotted T.O.P playing around with his close band mate GD, though your smile faded as he made his way up to you and began to sing his part in Ain't no fun to you. His dark brown eyes trapping your eyes, he kneeled down to get a better look at you but the people who crowded around you pushed you back and reached for T.O.P leaving you further away from him. You watched as he frowned and stood up, he searched for you in the huge crowd but he wouldn't find you as you were thrown to the ground. You cried out in pain as someone accidentally stepped on you. You were pulled up by some kind people and you fought your way back to where you were at the start of the concert. You could feel the sting of a cut on your cheek but you ignored it. You were too focused on the thought of T.O.P actually singing and looking for you. The thought seemed to be like a day dream that you've had, the day dream that would play in your head while your teacher went on in class but now all this dreaming led to this moment of reality.

        Unfortunately the concert came to an end. As the lights turned on and the members left back stage, the exhaustion and pain hit you. Forcing you to lean back on the stage. It was like everything that happened during the amazing concert had just happened in this moment. You could feel the sting burning on your left cheek, and your ankle as swollen with pain from when someone stepped on you and your whole body was aching from standing so long. You sighed and you put your whole weight on your leg, but you cried in pain. You collapsed back to where you were leaning. You watched as everyone made their way out of the arena.

"Are you alright?" A person with a deep voice asked from behind you.

     You turned you head. In utter shock you stumbled backwards and landed on the floor with a thud. You were just inches away from T.O.P's face. You cursed under your breath but you suddenly felt a pair of hands around your shoulders. T.O.P was at your side, he slipped his arm around your waist and wrapped you arm around his shoulder. He lifted you up and guided you back stage and to the small room they had in the back. He settled you on the black soft couch.

"I'll be right back. Your leg looks bad." He said as he slightly touched you ankle. You jumped in pain."I'll be back, don't go any where. Alright?" He smiled.

You sat there frozen by his softness, but you nodded.

         He chuckled and left out the room. Was this really happening? Choi Seunghyun had taken you back stage and was actually concerned about your injury. You ran you fingers through your hair and smiled brightly. You saw the door open, and he slipped back inside, a first-aid kit in his hand. He moved a small stool and gently placed your leg on top. He kneeled in front of you and touched your ankle gently, he applied a small pressure on one side of your ankle which sent a shocking wave of pain through your body, you responded with a small cry.

"I seems to be sprained, not broken. How did this happen?" He asked. He looked up, his eyes full of concern.

"I fell, during the concert, and someone stepped on me." You said. "but they didn't mean to. They helped me up afterwards." You added quickly.

      His expression changed as he looked at the floor. "It doesn't matter! They hurt you! Someone as gentle and delicate as yourself shouldn't be harmed." He said, angrily.

"Yah! I can take care of myself! I'm not some little flower that needs to be protected." You said.

"It doesn't matter to me! I don't like seeing you in pain."He countered. "I'm sorry. What's your name?"

"___________." You mumbled feeling the anger vanish.

      He looked at you tenderly. "_________. This might hurt but it's for your own good." Seunghyun gripped your ankle, and began to wrap it up, but the pain was too unbearable so you cried out in pain only once. You bit your lip and began to feel tears escape your eyes. Once he was finished he stood up and leaned in. He wiped the tears away from your cheeks. "I'm sorry this had to happen to you." His deep voice made you feel as if nothing bad will ever happen to you as long as you were with him. You heart began to beat hard against your chest. He sat next to you, he gently touched you cheek. "And this?" Seunghyun looked at you for an answer. You looked down.

"I honestly don't know how I cut it. Once I stood up and went back to where I was standing, I felt it there." You said.

"Here let me clean it." He moved your face so that you were looking at him. He reached into the first-aid kit and pulled out a small cream and applied it on your cut. You flinched a little feeling the small sting. You sighed as you began to feel the sudden relief of the sting. You smiled and closed your eyes. You heard a soft chuckle. You opened your eyes and saw Seunghyun laughing softly.

"What?" You said.

"Oh. Nothing. You're very cute." He said.

You blushed and looked away from him.

"___________." He called. You faced him. "I find you very beautiful. I think I like you."

     Your voice got caught in your throat and your heart was beating so fast, that your chest began to take the toll of how hard it was hitting it. "I like you." You whispered. Seunghyun's expression changed, he stared at you shocked.

"What?" You asked, worried.

"" He said slowly.

    You nodded.

      He smiled and slowly placed his hand on the side on you face and pulled you to him. His lips touched yours and your insides melted. He kissed you gently first then they grew hungry as he laid you gently underneath him, carefully watching your ankle. He supported his weight with his hands, but he never broke away from the heated kiss. You slowly placed your hands on either side of his face and pulled him to you. He pulled away slowly, his eyes were still closed and you watched as he slowly opened them. "Will you be mine?" He asked as he bore his eyes into yours. You nodded and smiled. He smiled and gently kissed you, and everything seemed to be played out just like a beautiful day dream, except this moment was better than any day dream. You smiled against his kisses as you realized reality was finally better than your dreams. ~ (: <3

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