026 - Are We Friends?

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(026 - Are we Friends?)

Family Members 🌚 Where you at? Leggo!!
(P. S. Why do I feel this chapter is tacky 🤧. Y'all will be the judge sha.)

𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐘(Hilary Idara Eghosa)

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(Hilary Idara Eghosa)

"Hi, Hilary,"

I couldn't stop the wide grin that stretched across my lips when he answered. It was so involuntary. I probably shouldn't be smiling this hard, or wide. I should be wondering what he was doing here because this was too much of a coincidence, us meeting for the second time today. But I was smiling, grinning, not bothered about anything... and I liked it.

That didn't stop me from asking him though. Because I wasn't bothered doesn't mean I wasn't curious.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. He made a small sound of oh before raising a white hospital-branded nylon I had not noticed before.

"I came to see my doctor in the pharmaceutical department," He answered, pointing to the glass doors the nurse from earlier had walked out from so suddenly. I didn't see her coming so I bumped into her.

"Migraine pills," He added, shaking the nylon with a sort of nervous smile playing on his lips. I nodded in understanding, giving him a smile of my own. Him coming here to see his doctor made more sense.

What were you thinking before? That he's stalking you? My subconscious mocked me and I swore, I heard the tiny little voice laugh at me. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.

"What are you doing here?" It was his turn to ask, his deep voice piercing through my mind trip. I let out short nervous laughter, pointing up the plaque that read CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT. His eyes followed my finger, skimmed through the letterings, and looked back at me.

"First Day of Therapy." I found myself telling him and his eyes widened slightly in realization. I didn't have to tell him more than that because I could tell he understood perfectly what I meant.

Should it bother me that I wasn't bothered that I was telling Simisola Jordan something only my family and friends knew? He has seen me at my lowest... lower than any of my friends have ever seen me. Does that make him my friend too?

I don't know.

"You know," He began, his voice bringing me out of my reverie again. I should stop trailing off so I won't look like an idiot staring off into space. I looked at Simi and saw that he was already leaning against the wall, hands folded across his chest.

"What?" I asked, urging him to continue. He chuckled and shook his head, having a mild conflicted expression on his face, like he was contemplating if he should say what he wanted to say. When his eyes settled back on mine, I knew he was going to talk.

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