041c - Repressing The Past

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(041c - Repressing The Past)

This chapter is going to make you so mad😠 at first, but it will make you coo with so much adoration at the end🥺❤️. So I guess that will make you for the anger in the beginning because trust, y'all will vex just like I vexed while writing it.💀

But I hope I delivered well sha because I kinda rushed it.

E go be 🤧.

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The loud ringtone of my phone shot me awake from my sleep, bringing me out of the dreamland

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The loud ringtone of my phone shot me awake from my sleep, bringing me out of the dreamland. I groaned into my pillow in annoyance at the interruption, tossing and turning on the bed before I hoisted my head up slightly to glance at the digital clock on my bedside table, sitting right beside my ringing phone.

7:00 am

Shoot, I should be up right now. I said to myself. By this time, my phone had stopped ringing.

School was meant to begin by 7:30 am even though assembly started by 8:00 am and I was still asleep by 7:00 am. The last thing I wanted was to be late to school on a Monday morning, just a week to exam. It wasn't even ideal for an aspiring prefect like me. The school authority was watching

It's such a shocker that mum isn't yelling the entire house down. I thought to myself, running my hand over my face.

As if she heard my thoughts, a loud bang came to my door, jolting the remaining sleep from my eyes in an instant.

"Lève-toi, Dawn! You'll be late for school." She yelled and I groaned again, rolling the soft, cool sheets of my bed one last time before begrudgingly moving up to a sitting position.

"Dawn!" She yelled again, followed by an even louder bang against my door.

This woman. I glared at the closed door

"I'm up! I'm up!" I yelled back, so that should just stop banging on my door. She muttered a string of incoherent words in Spanish before I heard her retreating steps. I sighed, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand when I remembered that I had not woken up to my alarm, but my phone ringing.

Wondering who was calling me this early Monday morning, I picked up my phone from the table to check, tapping my phone screen to view the caller.

Hilary. 15 misses calls.


My brows furrowed in confusion, wondering why Hilary had called me fifteen times this morning. Most importantly, how come I didn't wake up the first fourteen times she called.

Just as I was about to dial her number again, she called me back and I picked up immediately.

"Hilary, what's-"

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