010 ‑ I Don't Belong.

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(010 - I Don't Belong)

This Chapter is the longest chapter so far, but I'm hoping it will all be worth it because we are meeting our Male Anchor. Are you ready to meet Simisola André Jordan?🔥🔥

𝐒𝐈𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐋𝐀(Simisola André Jordan)

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(Simisola André Jordan)

Human beings are selfish, driven by fear of death and the hope for personal gain. All of us seek power whether we realize it or not. There are always people out there that would happily steal what is yours without thinking twice about it. You might argue, and say only some are selfish but no.

The Bible even says "The heart of man is desperately wicked. Who can know it?"

These weren't my words.

They were the words of James Hobbes in his book titled "Leviathan".

What can I say, I love reading books written by world-famous philosophers. It was somewhat hard to comprehend and assimilate but once I was "plugged in", I'd be able to get the entire gist.

That was why I was seated in my class, back leaned against my chair, soft music playing from my headphones into my ear, mind tuning out the rest of the world with my face buried in Leviathan.

I touched the tip of my tongue to the pad of my index finger, licking it softly before sweeping over to the next page of the book.

Page 35.

I started this book three days ago and I've gotten this far. It was a progress and I felt proud of myself. I have never been able to read past a particular page of my textbooks without getting a migraine. Maybe I was able to read this book because it was very relatable.

Crestview was a perfect example of Leviathan.

James Hobbes' school of thought on life and human being, in general, was closely related to how it was here at Crestview. I knew that bit as soon as I started reading and grasped the entire concept behind his school of thought. I've been here long enough to know that this place was a labyrinth... a maze that you had to complete whether you liked it or not.

According to Hobbes, Human beings are driven by the fear of death and hope for personal gain, all on the verge to seek power. At Crestview, the students are driven by the fear of not being counted as important, the fear of being insignificant. So, they go ahead and do things that would give them the significance and importance they wanted, not caring at what cost it came.

Most people, especially my now set mates did a lot of things, a lot of selfish things just to "matter".

Someone wanting to feel better about themselves by dragging another person down, destroying their own classmate's self-esteem. People spreading false information about the other, for cruise or gain favor in the eyes of other classmates. It was ironic how low these guys went, just to rise to a place of importance.

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