057b - A Lesson On Forgiveness Part 2

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(057b - A Lesson On Forgiveness Part 2)

Song of the Chapter: In The Stars by Benson Boone🥺. The song is actually for the later part of chapter. When you start reading that scene, you'll understand.

There's going to be a lot of talk in this chapter between Hilary and her therapist. It's very important that you don't skip anything because, well you'll definitely learn a thing or two. Hilary is already on a path to forgiveness and we gats be there for her 🥺✨.

Also, if you read the last update and don't know who Elyon is, rush down to the BTS FAMILY SERIES and read Eye of the Storm and Stilling the Storm. It's very important- for the nearest future- that you know the characters of those books🌚.

Now, let's dive in😌✨.

𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐀𝐑𝐘(Hilary Idara Eghosa)

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(Hilary Idara Eghosa)

"Orange Juice?"

Chidera asked me but didn't wait for my response before she started pouring a cup for me. I scoffed out a small laugh, giving her a look.

"You don't have to serve me anything. I'm not a guest here, you know?" I answered her. Now it was her turn to scoff out a peal of laughter, rolling her eyes comically.

"You haven't stepped a foot into this hospital, not to talk of this office in quite a while, Hilary," She said shrewdly. "and I don't know if you are going to ghost me again," She passed me a teasing look when I whined.

"So I better make the most of this little moment we have, abì?" She finished with a smirk and I groaned, averting my gaze from hers.

I knew she was just teasing me, but I couldn't help but feel the need to dissuade her thoughts from that if at all she was being low-key. serious.

"I wasn't trying to ghost you, Chidera," I told her, keeping my gaze fixated on my hands as my fingers nervously tugged on the charm bracelet around my wrist.

"I just needed some time to-"

"Yourself," She finished for me, causing me to look back up at her. She was looking down at me, that soft, comforting smile of her tugged at the corners of her lips, and understanding in her gaze.

"I understand," She said, and I exhaled, feeling relieved that she understood me.

Staying away from Chidera had absolutely nothing to do with her or my sessions with her. She was the best at her job and she knew the exact things she needed to say to me that will have me pouring my heart out to her in a matter of seconds, and then offering her counsel by speaking undiluted truths.

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