044 - No Capping.

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(044 - No Capping.)

Congratulations to olaworetenny and chiosom118 for winning the first position in the Quiz two weeks ago! Well done guys 😌✨. You people should go and read o, we have a quiz next week.

Guys😫😭, me too I will fall in love one day and I and my boo will have a catchphrase like "No Capping". I don't doubt that Chima and Dawn are going to make your heart jump plenty in this chapter.

Something good is about to happen. Or rather, many good things😌✨.

𝐃𝐀𝐖𝐍(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

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(Dawn Damipe Dayo)

It was painful.

It was so painful sitting down today at Gomery and listening to Semeeha repeat everything she said in the garden that day, unapologetically spewing out insensitive and invalidating words again like she didn't know... or couldn't see the glaring effect it had on me.

Very painful.

She didn't have to use the exact words she said to me that day. She reconstructed her statements but that didn't water down or diminish the fact that they still meant the same thing, and still carried out almost the same progressively detrimental effect it had on me back then.

I couldn't sit back and listen to her talk about me that way again. I had to leave, for my sanity. Even Hilary couldn't stay.

Leaning back on the tubular steel chair I was sitting on in the middle of the park, I allowed myself to think back to all the questions that bombarded my mind as soon as I left Gomery. Questions I couldn't help but ask myself.

Why exactly did she say those words to me?

What sick pleasure did Semeeha Malik derive from putting me down and treating my feelings like they didn't matter?

How did she feel watching me bawl my eyes out, right in front of her because of her hurtful words?

How was she so comfortable, seeing her best friend cry out in hurt because of the words that came out of her mouth?

I could still remember it vividly... the smirk on her lips that day while she watched me cry. It almost felt like she was enjoying it, like she was relishing in the feeling of seeing me in tears, in pain, hurt beyond measures.

Semeeha Malik enjoyed making me feel sad.


It was unsettling, almost creepy in fact.

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