029 - Imperfections.

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(029 - Imperfections.)

Hey Guys! Here you go! Enjoy ❤️

(P. S. There is an important notice in the Author's note below, please read *even though it doesn't apply to everyone* 😌)

𝐒𝐄𝐌𝐄𝐄𝐇𝐀(Semeeha Iris Malik)

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(Semeeha Iris Malik)




That was the only word that kept ringing in my mind as I schemed through Gigi Esho's Instagram page for the tenth time today.

Yes, the tenth. Trust me, it's still the shortest I've gone looking through her page.

There was nothing special about the page. She didn't have up the three-quarter of the followers I did, nothing close to the amount of social media presence that I had. Compared to me on social media, especially Instagram, Gigi Esho was lesser, a commoner, and a Nobody.

(Gigi's Instagram page)

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(Gigi's Instagram page)

Yet here I was, going through her page like a creepy stalker who had nothing better to do with her life.

Her posts were only twenty-seven. She only had five pictures where her face was visible. Most of the pictures that dominated the page were pictures of her running on a track, or pictures of her in several outfits... revealing outfits if I might add, cutting her face off.

There was this recent one that I just couldn't stop looking at even if I tried. It was a mirror selfie of her in a bikini, showing off her flawless and blemish-free honey skin.

Gigi Esho has never been conservative about her body, always comfortable with it. Social media didn't deter her from being herself. Why would she even want to hide a body as perfect as hers?

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